Chapter 4

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After landing back in DC, Agent Morgan clapped Toni on the shoulder. "So, you're sticking around?" he wondered. Toni could tell the entire crew was thinking the same thing as they all were staring at her. She adjusted the go-bag on her shoulder. It felt oddly heavy and the gazes were starting to make her uncomfortable. She took one quick glance at Hotch. She wasn't looking for his permission, of course. She was looking for the comfort his face seemed to suddenly bring her.

"I think so. You guys are stuck with me." Morgan was the first to give her a welcoming hug, followed by Prentiss and JJ. Hotch had already given his 'welcome to the team' greeting shortly before boarding the jet. Reid just happily smiled behind everyone else. He didn't seem to be a touchy guy, but Toni was thankful for that. She wasn't a huge fan of all the hugs anyways. Rossi came in past Reed to wrap Toni in another hug. "Proud of you," he said as he pulled away.

Garcia was waiting for them inside of the bullpen. "So..." she asked, arms opening as she waited for an answer. "She's staying," Hotch answered. "Oh, yay!" Garcia joyfully shouted, jumping in the air just a bit. Her heels clicked on the ground as she landed again. 

"Okay, I'm going to get working on some paperwork. You guys go home and get some rest," Hotch said, tugging off his blazer. Toni's cheeks turned red, and Derek bumped her arm. So far, he'd been the only one who figured out that Toni was eyeing Aaron. She wanted to keep it that way for now.

As she was heading out to go home, Derek grabbed her arm to stop her. "Alright, baby girl, talk to me. What's going on with you and..." he paused to look around, "Hotch?" he said once he was assured no one was around. Toni laughed, mostly to herself as she turned to face him. "That obvious?" Agent Morgan nodded and grinned. God, his teeth were so white.

"I don't know, dude. We spent a lot of time alone this week, and--Morgan, I don't know. What do you want to hear? Do you want to hear that he kissed me in the van or that I want to go back in there and be alone with him? God, why am I telling you this?" Toni shook her head at him. "Go back in there," Morgan said, waving her on.

With a roll of her eyes, Toni laughed before turning and heading back into the building. She went straight to Hotch's office. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and her palms were so sweaty. Toni saw him through the window sitting at his desk, and she took a deep breath before knocking on the open door.

Hotch glanced up at her as she stood in his office. "Agent Hartwell." he stated before going back to his work. "Shut the door, please." She did as he asked before taking a seat behind his desk. He straightened his tie as he sat down, and she briefly wondered if he slept in that thing. She had yet to see him outside of his signature suit and tie. Not that she was complaining, though.

"I just need you to sign a few things--" he said. His eyes hardly met hers. She wondered if he regretted kissing her back in Seattle. Aaron placed some paperwork in front of her. It was for her transfer to this unit. The unit chief had already approved, and all she had to do was sign.

"Can we talk about Seattle?" He finally looked up at her words. His face held so much tension, but it seemed to always be that way. Toni could never figure out what he was thinking just by looking at him. She had noticed his eyes, though. They looked sad. They looked like they had seen things they never should have. At first, she thought that was just the BAU. The other team members, though, didn't have that look.

Aaron straightened up behind his desk and adjusted his tie again. Maybe a nervous habit for him. "It was inappropriate and I apologize. I'm your superior, and I crossed a line." Toni raised an eyebrow at his words. "Agent Hotchner, you didn't cross a line. Has something changed between last night and now?" She was confused to say the least. He had been the one to kiss her. He had loosened up around her during the case. Now he seemed closed off. 

"It's inappropriate for us to hold any sort of relationship, Antoinette."

"Toni," she breathed out. "What was your plan after that, then? You kiss me and then we'd go back to our lives?" The young agent was already standing up from her seat. "I'll see you tomorrow, Agent Hotchner."

The bullpen was empty except for Agent Morgan who was still at his desk. "Waiting for me?" Toni said, her frustration evident. "I was--guessing that didn't go well." She shook her head before snatching her bag off her desk. "He said it's inappropriate for us to carry on anything, but he kissed me so. But I signed all the paperwork, so I'm officially part of the team."

Derek patted her on the back before wrapping his arm around her. "The rest of the team is grabbing drinks and waiting for us. I think you could use a beer, baby girl."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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