Step Two; Seek for Positive Peers

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Stepping out onto the platform was the easy part. Apparently the people I was positioned with were all from different places from all over the world! Thankfully, we were assigned colors, and we wore different suits depending on what our duties were, so that helped a lot in identifying people even with their helmets on. People gathered at a table in the headquarters, we were meeting one another, and I was more than excited to meet everybody.

Once I walked into the room, I didn't exactly expect them all to be dead silent... it was weird... no one was talking, you would think at least someone would give a smile, or a nod at the least for a greeting... Nothing. The general walked in with the worlds best astronaut, Essie Crider, also known as Artemis Toast. Essie Crider had chosen her stage name as Artemis Toast when she was 16, when she went on her first space mission with her father (Cosmosnow) and big brother (Randomossity), two pretty big astronauts at the time. Ms. Crider walked into the room and looked at each and every one of us with pride in her eyes, like we were her kids who have graduated and started our own lives.

"Alright people, you're all here to finally get to be an astronaut huh? You've all been at the top of your class, trained, and accepted into this establishment. The hall of heroes, hall of fame. You've all gone far and grasped onto your dreams," she said with courage in her voice, then looking over and saw a girl definitely not paying any attention in the slightest. "At least, I hope most of you aren't here because you're rich and just thought this would be all fun and games." She mumbled a little, then looking at them all "I expect great things from all of you! We have many challenges for you twelve to face, and they will progressively get harder as you continue on your journey across space."

She looked at me, I had never felt so honored as to her even looking at me, my idol, having eye contact with THE Essie Crider felt like a dream come true. To think she was even in the room was a dream come true! At this point I'm confused with my own sexuality, because I'm pretty sure I'm meeting my celebrity crush IN PERSON!

As she talked to us, she explained what we would be doing, and what will happen, she explained tasking, security checking, meal times, where we sleep, essentials, emergencies, etc. After the explanations, she let us go, and basically everyone but me left. This was my idol in middle school, Essie Crider, the one and only, and I had to meet her. I had to. As I walked up to her, I felt my stomach turn and twist, I haven't been so nervous since prom when I asked a girl out. So I went up to her, she turned to me, and I immediately made a fool of myself.

Essie laughed lightly, "Nervous I see, haha, well, what is your name?" She leaned a little bit forward to encourage her to speak. "My name is Eddie- Eddie Bagen-" wow, nice one, stutter a little more will you? This is your Idol and you're blowing it!!! "Eddie! Such a cute name for you! Are you a fan of me, Eddie?" Essie asked her, Eddie nodded very quickly and immediately showed her bag that hung off her shoulder to Essie, showing all the yellow symbols. Essie laughs "Oh! You're my number one fan! I've been dying to meet you!!!" She laughs happily and she ruffles Eddie's hair. "Hey, I gotta go for now, but I promise I'll come hang out with you before we go to launch." She reassures Eddie who was quiet from shock. As she walked off, Eddie took a moment, then screamed happily "YEEESSSS!!! AHHH HA HA HAAA!!!" She fangirled, dancing around the room happily.

DID SHE JUST CALL ME HER NUMBWR ONE FAN?! ME?! NO WAY- NO FLIPPING WAY!!! IT CANT BE ME- RIGHT?! SHE SAID IT HERSELF! AND SHE'S GONNA HANG OUT WITH ME?! OH MY LORD I CANT BREATHE!!! To think she'd compliment me that much! No way did I ever think she'd see me as her number one fan! This is insane- Phew- okay- calm down, and focus, this is your moment. Your time to shine Eddie, don't throw this opportunity away! Now- lets go meet the crewmates.

Walking over to the lobby of the giant headquarters, Eddie traveled down the main hallway to them, the eleven other crewmates along with her, and Essie Crider, who was currently talking with the general that had been with her when they entered the room. Eddie looked around, she looked at the people who were all older than her, of course, she was a kid who had got In because of her smarts and skills, however she didn't flaunt it around like she should be famous or something, because she didn't believe she should be, she just wanted to live out her dream, her dream of becoming an astronaut, the fame didn't matter a whole lot to her.

There was a boy that was close to her age, but off only by like a year or two by the looks of it. He had a friend with him, they had went over to Eddie, the boy waving slightly to her, along with a vocal greeting "Hello, I'm Koby Scott, this is my friend Piper Collins," he introduced them both in a thick Australian accent. Piper grabs her hand, shaking her hand excitedly "Nice to meet you, love!" She cheered happily with a Scottish-like accent. Eddie laughs "Nice to meet you too- haha! I'm Eddie, Eddie Bagen." Koby smiled "See Piper? I knew there were nice people here! You just gotta find em'!" He laughs as Piper shrugs "Dunno- that one Russian guy over there seems pretty scary... I'm skeptical about that one. He's even got a big scar across his face!" Piper muttered to Koby and Eddie. Koby nods "Shady. Not to be trusted." He teased Piper before she punches his shoulder "Oi! You wouldn't like him either, mate!" Piper snaps. Eddie laughs "Wow, a few seconds of talking and even meeting you two, and I already think I'm gonna like it with you guys!" She laughed lightly.

"WE SHOULD MAKE A REBELLION!!!" Piper grabs them and pulls them down to her level. "Uhhh-" Eddie laughs nervously, Koby sighs "How much coffee have you had this morning again?" He asked simply. Piper smiled and bounced a little "One." She giggled, "One cup?" Koby tilts his head, "Nope!!! One pint, mate! It's like ya don't even know me!" She laughs and she let go, running around looking for new friends.

This was the start of my new life, my new life as an astronaut.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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