This Can't Be Happening

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You woke up to people around you. A girl with short blue hair and black eyes. And a girl with brown medium hair and black eyes. "Oh, you're awake." The blue hair girl said. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you lost as well?" The brown hair girl asked. "Ah, I'm..." You started to talk but became unsure which question you should answer first. "You don't need to answer those." The blue hair girl announced. "Instead, I'll introduce myself." Before she could speak the brown hair girl spoke quickly, "HI! My name is Celeste!" The blue hair girl looked at her in disgust. "Don't interrupt people." She sighed then looked back at you. "My name is Isabella.  Nice to meet you." She smiled warmly. "I'm Y/n." You smiled. "Great name! Now wanna explore with us!? I found There's cool  items and places here!" Celeste babbled. "It's not cool. This place is hell. It's stupid to call everything " cool" when monsters are lurking around and we have to survive." Isabella hissed. Celeste rolled her eyes, "Yes, yes. Even though I haven't seen any." You guys then heard screaming, Isabella looked back and grabbed you. You guys started to run and Celeste followed behind. Isabella pushed you and Celeste in this hole before she went in. She turned off her flashlight. You still heard screaming before something hitting the ground. The person cried and shouted for help as this..thing screeched before tearing their body apart. You watched in horror as Isabella, who didn't seem fazed looked away. Celeste was crying while watching the person die. The monster was tall, like really tall. It had two white eyes and a mouth that gave a toothy smile. What felt like hours, the monster left. Leaving you, Celeste  and Isabella traumatized. But you knew you had to move on. I mean, your life depends on it. You started to crawl towards the entrance and look both ways. It seemed safe, so you got out. To your surprise, Celeste was the first to follow you, Then Isabella. "Um, since our flashlights have Batteries....shouldn't one person have their flashlight on?" You asked. Isabella nodded. "Yeah... Uh I think you should have it on.. I dunno where we are going anyway..." Celeste said with a dead stare. You kinda hoped there would be something that'd make Celeste happy. You guys reached a dead end. It was worth it though because a battery was on the floor. You grabbed it and stuck it in your pocket. Once you turned around and started to walk. You didn't believe what you found. It was that monster. Staring into your soul, but not moving. For some reason it looked.........shy...? You were confused, It didnt have a reason to be shy. Before you could tell them it started to walk closer, Isabella gasped before pulling you close to her. You both looked around seeing no escape. But, unlike you, Isabella had a plan. You both backed up in a corner. Celeste looked at you guys in confusion before Isabella told her to come there. The tall monster walked straight before turning around to them. It slowly walked closer and closer before....Isabella pushed Celeste to it. Celestes eyes widen, looking at Isabella with fearful eyes. You ran not wanting to be next. Isabella chased you. The screams of Celeste filled your ears. You didn't want to look back. But your body didn't listen and you looked back, Celeste was dead. Instead of being scared, you were starting to get mad. Isabella killed Celeste. You all could of had a chance of escaping. But while you were still looking behind you, the moster turned to you. And..........waved.. What the hell!? It killed your friend and now is waving at you while smiling, AND BLUSHING????? What the HELL. You weren't having it, you looked in front of you and ran fast. But as you did, you ran into a wall. Before you could get up, something else came and pinned Isabella to the floor. Another monster. You looked desperately for a hole, luckily you found one. As the monster killed Isabella it looked at you. You started to panic and got up running quickly to the hole. The monster that just killed Isabella almost got you. You crawled in further and turned off your flashlight. You waited until it seemed safe to leave, but even if it did, you didn't move. All your friends died, just like that. You couldn't really come up with a plan since you havent been able to see anything that was helpful... Celeste did mention she found items. So that should mean she had items!? And there's not just batteries! But they probably aren't useful to defend yourself, if they had been useful, you wouldn't have been alone. But staying in the same spot won't due, you crawled and listened for a sound. Finding out where the monsters are will give you a good advantage. Your eyes did adjust to the dark, but you couldn't see far. You have a camera, it didn't seem useful since you have to flash it, flashing it doesnt give you enough time to see. But considering the items you have must have some sort of use to it, you gave it a shot. Once you flashed it, you saw that you could see further than you could with the flashlight. You got close to the entrance and used the camera for each side. No one was there so you got up and walked forward. You stayed quiet as you could in order to listen for sounds. Sometimes you did hear a person or two, but what good would it do if the same trauma happens again. It would be best to be alone, or...if you do have someone you just met....No, you stopped yourself as you knew it'd involve someone getting hurt, or worse, dying. You couldn't think like that, you didn't want too. Isabella probably kept Celeste around for an emergency, not as company. You of course, didn't want to ever have to sacrifice anyone. If you had an idea of something like that, you thought of it as another persons pov. You wouldn't want someone you trust, and became friends to abandon you, do you? Just imagine it, you guys experienced everything in this maze together, if you escaped together you would understand each other better. Well whatever happens, you will be prepared for it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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