Festival and lost..

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Error had just saw some plushies of some of the Pokémon at the festival that he and his family were at. He turned around to tell his brothers about it when he noticed they weren't there anymore.

Error was feeling a bit distressed and started looking around for them because he hoped they didn't go too far away from him when he had only been distracted for a few seconds.

Apparently even that was too much time for him to get error separated from his mom and brothers.

Error was feeling even more distress then before along with fear.

He didn't like this, not one but, he hopes he can find his mom soon... he thought as he continued to look around but that's when it hit him. There was too many people around him for him to see his family and just too many people in general that it was starting to freak him out a bit.

He decided to go hide in a corner if he could find one, error thought and started to move around and make sure no one touched him. It took him a few minutes before he finally found a spot he could be at that didn't have too many people nearby.

He felt a bit relieved but still dismayed and distressed that he hasn't seen his family in those seconds he got Separated from them.

He bit back a whimper of distress, he doesn't know what else to do besides stay in one place. He knew if he tried to go look for them himself, he would just get even more lost then he is now and that wouldn't help anyone let alone let him and his family to find each other.

So he just decided to not move until he saw someone familiar or someone he knew a bit.

Over the next ten minutes, error let out another whimper of distressed. He doesn't know how long he's been alone for now, he hopes his family noticed his disappearance..

"Hm? Error is that you?" Error heard and he turned around still looking a bit distressed when he noticed it was uncle asy.

"Uncle asy!" Error said and moved closer to him and grabbed his hand. It didn't bother him at all until in that moment because one, it was someone he knew, two, yes he started calling him uncle asy after a while of Geno doing it, three, he doesn't want to get lost again.

"Wow there kiddo, what's wrong? Where your mom and your brothers?" Asy asked error and was feeling concerned.

"I-I got separated from the a while ago and I-I don't know where they are at!" Error said hugging asy with tears in his eyes.

"There there kiddo, don't worry, I'm sure they are looking for you at the exact moment, here let me help you find them. I'll text Cq to see where she is at." Asy said picking error up.

Error then hugged asy as tight as he could without hurting asy but also not wanting to let go at all.

Meanwhile asy was texting cq to see where she was. He found out then that she was looking for error for a bit over ten minutes now and couldn't find him. He told her to hang on and asked her location so he could get to her.

She told him where she was at, which was apparently that they went back to the beginning of where the first were at and started from there to see if they could find error anywhere that they might have left him at.

He told her that he's on his way, asy felt relieved to know that error wasn't alone anymore and that he knew where Cq was at now.

So he started to make his way over to where Cq said she was at now. It took him a bit around ten more minutes or so before he finally got there. He saw how worried Cq and Geno were and fresh attempting to be worried and reassuring to his brother and mom.

"There you are, I found error some minutes ago looking very distressed." Asy said as error still cling onto him even though he was near his family right now.

Error was determined not to get lost again and the  only way he could think of that involved not getting lost again was to hold onto his uncle asy.

"Oh thank goodness! You found error, where was he?" Cq asked still looking very worried and concerned.

"He was near where some Pokémon plushies were at and a little bit further away from the crowd. It must have him a bit overwhelmed so he was mostly staying in one spot away form the crowd." Asy told her, still holding error.

"Oh error...sigh thank you for finding him, we were so worried. Come on boys we are going home." Cq said and they started moving to Cqs car with asy following them.

Asy didn't have a ride back home because his sister had left a while ago saying she had some things to do and to call her to come pick him up when he was ready to leave.

He had a feeling she was just trying to get him to relax a bit by himself. He's not completely sure that it worked since he found error lost and distressed a few minutes ago.

He sat in the back with error still holding onto him, Geno was sitting in the front and fresh sitting next to him.

Over the next few minutes though, he could tell that error fell asleep in his arms. Then when they arrived back to cqs home, they got out of the car and went in.

Asy sat down on the couch in the living, still holding error who wouldn't let go of him. He didn't mind at all since he's sure it brought error some comfort at the very least.

He sent a quick message about what happened to his sister who sent a reply that he didn't get the chance to read before he put his phone back up so that it wouldn't disturb error.

Fresh and Geno sat down right next to him on opposite sides, Cq sat down in front of the couch and turned the TV on and had the volume on low so it wouldn't wake error up.

Over the next few hours, they watched some TV before the all stared to fall asleep, asy still barely awake, turned the Tv off before falling asleep.

I finally finished with 1126 words ! Yay! Finally! Also things will probably be unexpected or expected idk know yet. Hope you like and comment what you think! Ja ne~!

Slow updates

Also don't expect anymore chapters any time soon ok? This took me a lot of time to finish it and would take me long for more chapters.

So if you want more chapter give me ideas.

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