Chapter 1 - The Run-In

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Both of their names are very well known, like very. But they are far from being in the same circles. Harry Potter was known throughout the entire magical community, even with only three years in school. Angus MacGyver was known throughout America, especially within the government due to his knack for saving the world's lives over and over. No one could have ever known that the two would meet, let alone predict what would happen when they did meet.

July 20th -

Surrey, England (Present Time) -

Harry has been cleaning the Dursley house all day. As the sun goes down, Harry has taken a shower and just finished getting dressed when he sneaks out of the house and quickly makes his way out of the neighborhood. Harry doesn't know where he's going, but he knows he needs a break from that house and the people inside it.

London, England (1 hour before) -

Angus quickly jumped in a car, bullets flying around his body. He hotwired the car in just seconds before off with full speed. He looked in the rearview mirror, quickly losing sight of the cars and people chasing after him. He checked the mirror once more, but this time checking his hair. With one swoop of his hand through his hair, the messy tangles go back to the perfection it normally is.

Surrey, England (Present Time) -

As Harry walks across the street he can see, from no more than 20 feet away, a car speeding his way. He quickly walks across the other side and looks at the car as it passes by. The man in the car looks directly at him. Their eyes connect for just one second, but they both instantly feel this wave, unlike anything they've ever felt before hit them.

MacGyver instantly steps on the break, his body flinging forward for just a second before the seatbelt pushes him back. He doesn't know why he just did that, but he sits there staring forward and thinking about it. He looks forward into the abyss, wondering everything about the boy he just saw.

Harry is freaked as the car stopped. He stands there as the car just sits completely still, no noise or movement coming from it. Harry's curiosity is killing him. He begins walking towards the car, excited and anxious as to what may happen, still unaware as to why. He steps up to the passenger side window and turns to face the man. He looks at the man in aw, his long blonde hair perfectly pushed back, looking effortlessly beautiful. He's wearing a leather jacket that shows off his muscular body. He has a strong jawline that makes it hard for Harry to breath.

As the boy comes into MacGyver's sight, he is floored by how hot he is. He can't stop looking at the boy's soft features at first, then his long brown locks, then lastly the scar on his forehead. The scar is unlike any MacGyver has ever seen before, and he likes it. As the boy knocks on the window, his heart stops for just a second, but it feels like minutes. He presses the button and the window slowly moves down.

 He presses the button and the window slowly moves down

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"Hello," Harry mutters out as the window opens.

'Hey." MacGyver can't control himself as he begins smiling.

"I'm... um... Harry Potter."

"I'm Angus Macgyver, but you can call me Mac." Mac runs a hand through his hair. "Do you need a ride?" He reaches across and unlocks the door.

"Um yeah." Harry opens the door and steps in.

"Where are you going?"

"Where are you going?" Harry lets a small cute smile out that makes Mac's heart flutter.

"To a small and secluded motel."

"Perfect." Harry's eyes accidentally look down to see Mac's boner trying to push through his pants. "How far away?"

"10, maybe 15," Mac says right before Harry places a hand on his leg.

"That should be enough time."

"Enough time for what?" Harry just smiles as he grabs Mac's crotch zipper and slides it open.

"Drive." Mac listens and begins to slowly drive as Harry pulls Mac's penis out, sliding his fingers around the shaft.

Harry has never done this before but has imagined how he would want one to do it to him and just closes his eyes before letting Mac's penis into his mouth. Harry loves the taste. It's like Harry ever imagined, but better. He slides his tongue around Mac's shaft, sucking the tip with the back of his throat.

"Oh my!" Mac moans as Harry continues.

Mac takes one hand off the wheel to run it through his own hair

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Mac takes one hand off the wheel to run it through his own hair. Mac can't help but speed up his driving, his foot like lead.

This continues for ten minutes, the car just a minute from the motel. Harry is getting a little tired of what he is doing and didn't think Mac could last this long. Mac, just like Harry, never thought he could last this long, holding it in as much as possible. Mac pulls into the motel and parks in the back behind some trees. The second he puts the car in park, Mac begins to burst. He puts both his hands behind his head and into his hair, gripping it tightly. He bites his lip as Harry begins to take all the cum down his throat.

Harry is pleasantly surprised by the taste of Mac and how he just wants more. That only makes it sadder for Harry as Mac stops shooting out. Harry sucks on Mac's penis in hopes to get as much cum as he possibly can before moving off and back into his seat.

The two just sit there, silent and motionless. Harry can't stop licking his lips while Mac is staring at Harry through the corner of his eyes. Mac and Harry both take a deep breath at the same time before turning to each other, moving forward, and beginning to kiss. The lips smack into each other, tongue quickly slithering across each other. Mac reaches his hands into Harry's hair and to the back, keeping their heads together. Harry rubs one hand across Mac's thigh while his other hand digs through the side of Mac's hair and behind his ear, rubbing his head lightly. They continue kissing for a couple of minutes until their lips get tired and they need to take a breath.

"So..." Mac begins as he zips up his pants. "You have to be anywhere tonight?" Mac takes a look around.

"As long as I'm back home by the time the sun rises."

"That can be arranged."


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