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Welcome to LUCY ISLAND.

A place that only appears when you have given up on life and reality. A place of escapism and fantasy. Healing and hope.

The island radiates light.

By feeding off the darkness within you.

You get to find hope, while the island can continue living.

A place that doesn't only need you, but needed by you too.

However, not everyone can find it. In fact, humans are the most rare population to be found on the train towards the island. The darkness of the human world has overpowered the opening of magic doors to LUCY ISLAND, only allowing the most purest and broken souls to discover it.


Lucy is the English form of the Roman Lucia,

which derives from the Latin word "lux" meaning "light."


The land of the light.

Will you find your light there?


LUCY ISLANDWhere stories live. Discover now