Coprophagy, Coprophagic, Coprophagia
La la la la life goes on
I love to think that we
Could be immortal and undying
By consuming brains all day all night
Coprophagy, Coprophagic, Coprophagia
La la la la life goes on
Life goes on but it doesn't
Moving body deserted by it's soul
Walking aimlessly through every doors
Coprophagy, Coprophagic, Coprophagia
La la la la life goes on
Love became still to you
No one can
So you just eat them anyway
Coprophagy, Coprophagic, Coprophagia
La la la la life goes on
A zombie like you
Unbeknownst to many
Loves and care just like everybody else
You love it
Many of you love it
All of you screaming
so let's sing
Coprophagy, Coprophagic, Coprophagia
La la la la life goes on