Chapter 31, Discoveries In Depth

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Hanabi's P.O.V

Our meeting at the gazebo had ended with both Itachi and Shisui heading back to the Uchiha district while I go back to my apartment.

Shisui, being older than both Itachi and I had informed us to start a series of training together for the time being. Starting from tomorrow.

The fatigue had killed me from the inside. During our farewell Itachi kept a close eye on me. He's still not over the fact that I have a Sharingan. I don't blame him either, since it's still news to me too.

The sky had fallen dark and the wind was getting cold. I shivered as I took the flight of stairs. With the shadows being completely dark, I'd overlooked the figure that leaned against the wall. From the looks of it, he was waiting for me.

"I have a lot of questions", Kakashi stepped into the light, revealing himself.

I had already anticipated this which is why I shift my weight on one leg and cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm tired of getting investigated", I inform nonchalantly. My life had took a major turn during less than forty-eight hours.

I've always resented our higher-ups and now I'm at risk of getting targeted by Danzo. Love that for me.

"Hanabi there's so much I want to ask you", Kakashi says, his voice was laced with some worry.

"I told you I'm tired", I insisted, giving him a stern look.

"Not so fast", Kakashi persists and stands as a barrier between me and my apartment's door.

"Why did you lie?", he narrowed his exposed eye and inspected my features, "you suddenly disappeared from the hospital when I checked in. Where'd you go?".

I sighed, rolling my eyes away from his gaze I slipped my index finger through the ring of Minato's Thunder God kunai and whipped it out, "I disappeared in search of this since I knew you're too busy to actually do it for me".

His eye darted to the kunai. I have subconsciously acquired the habit of holding out the Thunder God kunai like Minato always did. Which is why Kakashi was staring at me in recall.

"Hanabi, I waited for you all night at the hospital", Kakashi said sternly, his expression was accusing, "don't treat me like I'm clueless. Where did you go off to last night?".

"And don't you treat me like you're my chaperone or something!", I hiss back at him, my patience running thin, "those who had the right to question me like this died a long time ago". My chest tightened as these words left my mouth.

From Kakashi's current expression it was clear that I've pushed a button. I bit my tongue. I wanted nothing more than to take that back those words.

What've I done?

"Hanabi Namikaze", his abrupt voice alter made me flinch. His entire expression had become so formal, I'd have to blink twice before confirming that I'm talking to the same person, "Lord Third had summoned you to his office, you shall go tomorrow".

Yes. I have messed up indeed. I just took another person for granted.

"Yeah whatever", my tongue had moved on its own. I didn't wanna show any sort of weakness, not now anyways.

Internally, I was cursing myself out.

Externally, my pride had taken over, leaving me acting like a total brat.

Kakashi gave me the cold shoulder and began to walk away. I lowered my head and stood cemented to my place. I held my breath tight as he passed me, our shoulders brushed against one another then he suddenly halted.

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