Chapter 6

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Peter opened his eyes to find himself in a spaceship looking thing floating in the middle of space. He spotted Tony right in front of him, looking sadly at his beat up iron man helmet.

"Hey Mr Stark," he said softly, realizing that he could not hear him. "How are you doing?"

   Tony continued to stare at the helmet, deep in thought. Dr Strange was also there, but didn't say a thing. They watched Tony record a recording for the people on earth, that is if they ever got the message.

"Mr Stark, please don't blame yourself," Peter asked quietly. "It's not your fault."

"The kid's right," Dr Strange said, still knowing that Tony could neither see not hear them. "Don't blame yourself Stark."

  Gamora turned out to be in the other room, watching proudly as her sister Nebula worked on something mechanically. Once she said her goodbyes she sadly walked back to the boys.

Peter felt tears forming in his eyes, shallowing them back. He then looked back at Gamora and Dr Strange. "I-I think we should head back."

Dr Strange nodded. "I have a way we can watch the others to give them more time and allow them to leave when needed. Let's go."

  Dr Strange and then Gamora went into the portal, but Peter lingered. He took one last look at his mentor, perhaps even father figure, and left......

Loki opened his eyes and found himself next to Thor, who was sitting down on a bench. His face had a mix of anger, guilt, and grief.

Loki sighed and sat next to his older brother. "Hello brother," he whispered softly, though his brother could not see or hear him.

  "I know how you feel Thor," he continued. "I know you think it was somehow your fault or something. Well it's not. Don't worry, I suppose I'm in a better place or something like that. But I am sorry you must deal with this, and I will try to return... soon."

  Thor didn't say a thing, but Loki somehow felt better talking to his brother so he continued. "I haven't found mother or father, but I hope I'll get to see them again. I can see also why you made friends with mortal heroes, I met a few in the soul world. Most have even about forgiven me for trying to take over earth, and we have all bonded well.

  "Just do me a favor brother: don't let this ruin your life. Don't let this stop you from living the great life you deserve."

  Then Loki stood up. "I'm ready to go back Mr Strange." He called.

  A portal opened and he turned to go through it. "You'll always be my big brother," he whispered softly to Thor before leaving.

(A/N: im not going to show y'all Bucky and Sam seeing Cap and Nat because A) I want to leave that to your imaginations and B) that would be so emotional, but then again all of these are. Anyway, on with the story....)

  Peter opened his eyes to see the others standing in front of portals that quickly snapped shut. Loki and Gamora both seemed sad about seeing their siblings again, knowing that they blamed themselves for their deaths. Bucky and Sam's faces were harder to read, but they still looked sad.

"Alright, let's get back to work....." Dr Strange said, walking them back to the campsite......

A/N I know this one was even shorter, and I'm sorry.
Larb you 3000!

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