Chapter 1

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(3rd persons pov)
After Tubbo exiled Tommy, he almost immediately regretted it but he can't do anything about now because what has been done is done. When Dream brought Tommy to where he was gonna stay while being exiled (2,000 blocks away from L'manberg), Dream made sure to visit Tommy everyday to keep him company. One day though he didn't visit because he wanted Ranboo and Fundy to go and hang out with Tommy since he was pretty busy at the moment and can't go see Tommy.

(Tommy's pov)
Ghostbur, Ranboo, Fundy, and I decided to go see Awesamdude so that they could all help me with my anger issues (and no, I still get angry but it's pretty much less now) (we have been doing going to Sam for the past 6 months), and I started becoming a better person thanks to them. "Hey guys? Why don't we all go to the beach?" I said shyly, "YEAH!" Fundy and Ranboo replied in unison "JINX!" we all laughed, and after all that we all pack the things we needed and headed out to the beach, we all watched the beautiful sunset and decided to head home. We had so much fun today but it was time for them to head home. "Bye guys!", "Bye Tommy! See you tomorrow!" They replied as they went to the nether portal except Sam who walked back to his home (p.s Sam doesn't live in L'manberg). I went back to my little tent I call home, and went to my ender chest and picked up 'Your Tubbo' god I miss him so much...I wonder if he misses me too?..nah he obviously doesn't because he cares about L'manberg more than me... "Wow I didn't even realize I was crying...why does it hurts so much?", "I need some sleep  right now, good night Dream smp.....good night Tubbo.." I said while hopping onto bed, falling asleep whilst crying.

(Tubbo's pov)
I really miss Tommy so much but it was for the best, right?.....I don't even know anymore. I just want him back, I want my best friend back....but its too late to turn back now.....I'm pretty sure he hates me now after what I've done, but I can't blame him because I did exile him after all...
"I'm so sorry Tommy, I wish I could've change what I said..." I whispered to myself as I cried while holding 'Your Tommy'  "Good night Tommy...buddy"

Aight 419 words
oop- its short

Tragedy struck (Tommyinnit angst) *CURRENTLY REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now