chapter 2

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Once all of the remaining first years were sorted into their respective houses, the students dug into the delicious food that I could not resist from having seconds. My attempts of making eye contact with Harry and his friends were unuscessful. Each time I thought he would notice, it seemed he was too busy with the others.

Though I was slightly disheartened, I shrugged it off and finished up my plate. After dinner was finished, we were then lead to our common room. The password for entrance turned out to be "Salazar" and us Slytherins were finally granted entrance. The area was long and spacious. Just like the dungeons, it was cold and had rough stone walls. The color scheme was as to be expected from what the house colors were.

Then came in our head of house which I knew as Professor Snape. If there was one thing I was sure of, it was that he had an abnormally large nose. Now I was not one to be extremely judgemental but the pale man looked like a vampire and gave off a dark aura which made it impossible not to be at least a little cautious in his presence.

"Welcome to the Slytherin House...." From then on he explained the rules - most of which were common - what he expects of us, and the rest was left for the girl prefect to explain.

Apparently, there was only one way to dormitory, however once inside there were two separate doors which lead to the girls and boys side. Inside of each there were at least five individual rooms with two or more students of the same gender to sleep in.

The roommates were announced and we gave each other brief looks of acknowledgement. I grabbed my special muggle phone (with my dad as a professor, I was given permission even with the boundaries set on the gadget, I am forever grateful) and put my headphones in. I ignored whatever looks anyone might have given me.

Bringing out a book I've been holding onto for quite some time now, all the while listening to peaceful music to block the noise of those present. I was so engrossed in the book that I failed to notice someone beside me and removed my headphones from my ears. Turning around with a hard glare, I spotted the one and only...

"What the hell do you want, Draco?" I hissed at him, snapping my book shut.

"It's Malfoy to you and how do you even know my name, Y/N?" he retorted, sounding annoyed.

"I could ask you the same thing, Draco." My words dripped with sarcasm, paired with a fake smile.

"Piss off, Y/L/N," he spat out.

"You have a wonderful night as well, Draco." I laughed sarcastically as I heard his door slam shut with a loud bang.

I cannot take that blondie seriously, I thought, snickering. He is a menace, but we're in the same house now so it's best to not antagonize him too much, if I can control myself. Draco is lucky I was not so much in a bad mood today.

That was when I had noticed that there was no one else already. Deciding a quick read of some more would not do any harm, I stayed on the couch nearby the fire for a while. Satisfied with what I had read, I reached for my room door to open it but it was locked.

"Open the fucking door!" I yelled as I slammed my fist on the door. Damn. The female Prefect told me there was a bed time and I completely forgot. A couple more attempts ended up to be futile. I sighed and cursed at myself.

His Girl || (18+) A Draco Malfoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now