the brightest star

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Before you start reading, I just wanted to say that my first language is italian and not english, so please excuse my mistakes. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! xx

"Mike!" I said happily when I saw Michael from the other garden. "I bought some blankets so we can lay here and watch the stars." Michael smiled a bit while watching me and walking towards me with a big black hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants.

"You could've asked me to bought a blanket for myself." he said before sitting on the little piece of cloth I placed on the grass before. I went to sit beside him and then I landed on the fabric, pointing the sky full of stars.

"Tonight is a great night to watch the stars, isn't it?" I asked, knowing very well the answer. "There are lots of stars and most of them are so bright right now." I placed my hands under my head and crossed my legs while Michael landed beside me as well. He laughed a little bit and I arched my brows, not knowing what he was laughing for. "What are you laughing for?"

Michael shook his head while leaving a cute smile on his face. "You love watching stars, don't you?" He asked. "You always did since you were a kid." He was right: I loved watching the stars in my garden, it gives me chill and I can't seem to feel stressed or nervous at all. "You used to watch them since you moved here."

"How did you know?" I asked, smiling a little bit. "Did you spy me, Mike?" I said slightly laughing at him, making him laugh as well. "Little stalker."

"You look so peaceful looking at the stars." He spoke, leaving me speechless. "I watched you from the windows behing my curtains." Michael admitted while placing his hands behind his head, under his soft curled honey-colored hair. "Have you ever noticed it?" He asked, his face was showing nothing but confusion. I shook my head, facing him. "Seems like I did a good job then." The older said while laughing. I rolled my eyes and placed a soft slap on his chest before laying down again and keep watching the stars.

"You're a psychopath, Michael." I said jokingly while admiring the dark sky full of little white bright spots.

"That's not a news, baby." he said, making me laugh. I knew Michael since I was 14 and I also knew all the things he did back in years and sometimes still do, but he doesn't seem to scary me at all. He promised me he won't do anything to me and won't hurt me at all, he just wanted to give me the "protection I deserved". He was probably right, but I knew why he was doing all those things: he's in love with me since I moved here, since my volley ball ended on his garden and he gave it back asking me if he could've played with me instead of staying inside the house. I'm not gonna lie, I always had a soft spot for this boy. "I only watch you from my windows tho, so don't be jealous." he joked.

"You better not watch other girls. I tend to get very jealous." I said before making him laugh. I laughed too, knowing deep down that was true; I was jealous of him.

"Never planning to do that, my love." he said while pointing a star. "Avie!" he almost screamed, making me jump a little. He has never called me like that.

"Avie? What's that shit?" I asked before facing him and putting a strand of my dark hair behind my ear.

"What's that shit you asking, uh?" Michael turned to me before pointing that star again. "It's the brightest star I've ever seen in my entire life."

"So?" I couldn't understand what he was trying to say.

"I'm naming it with your name." he said before returning to watch the sky.

I shook my head and licked my full rose lips. "You could've done way better, Langdon. Such a pretty star with such an ugly and insignificant name." I said.

"Don't you dare." He said. "Aveline is.."

"Such a shitty and pathetic name, Michael. That's what it is." I revealed, but he interrupted me.

"Such a beautiful name as the girl who has it." He whispered before facing me while I still watched the stars above us.

"You could've named another star with that name." I was now facing him too, watching deep down his light eyes where it seemed to drown everytime you watched them too much. "You could've named that little star with the name 'Avie'."

"No, it wouldn't be fair." he said, making me feel dumb and stupid.

"Fair for what?" I asked calmly while putting a hand on his hair, playing with them right after.

"You always seemed like the light who bought me out of the darkness i was living in." He revealed, making eye contact with me. "It wouldn't be fair to give such an irrelevant and small star your name." He placed a hand on my cheek and started rubbing it delicately. "You deserve the brightest star in the sky, Avie." Michael said before stopping the eye contact with me and laying down again. "I wouldn't even know what happiness is right now without you by my side."

I was speechless. I knew he was in love with me but not that much. Not only in love, he was grateful I was part of his life. "Mike." I said, then saw him nod his head.

"You don't have to say what I want you to say." he whispered before watching me.

"I feel the same." I finally said. It took me almost 4 years to say those words and I finally did it. I've always been so scared of loving someone and leaving them that the only person I didn't wanted to see sad because of that, was Michael. I always had a soft spot for his soft curled honey-colored hair, his light blue eyes and his pretty sweet smile that i couldn't push back my feelings anymore. I saw Michael smiling with my eye tail.

"You really do?" He asked. He was scared I was playing with him, I could've heard it in his voice.

"Of course I do, Mike." I was now facing him with a sweet smile printed on my pale face. "I'm tired of lying." Michael watched his phone screen and then watched me. "What are you looking at?"

"My grandma's out, would you like to bring some alcoholics here and get wasted together?" he purposed before getting up from the cloth we were laying on. I smiled a little bit when he offered his hand to help me get up from the ground so i held it and got up. Our lips were almost touching, I breathed out and slightly pushed him.

"Go get some alcoholics, then we might kiss." I laughed before walking to my house, feeling his deep stare on me.

"I hate you, remember that!" he screamed jokingly.

"No you don't!" I replied while entering my house with a big smile still on my face.

the brightest star ; m.l.Where stories live. Discover now