One Shot

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Hi my name is Fiona and I'm the last living human in the land of Aaa. I'm 18 and live with my sister Cake in a gigantic tree house. Most of my days are filled with adventures and saving people. When I'm not doing all that mumbo jumbo I'm hanging out with my best friend Marshall Lee the Vampire King. Despite the fact of him being a "scary" vampire he's a rather cool guy. But anyways today was like any other day get up early with cake, save people's butts, adventure and then come home relax and hang out with Marshall. Except today Marshall seemed to be acting rather....weird. He was acting nicer than usual he didn't put up a fight when I put in the movie I like but he hates and he kinda....put his arm around me and I got this weird feeling in my tummy. I kinda wanted to snuggle closer to him too no no no I can't be feeling this way about my best friend. But I can't stop this feeling that's washing over me. Oh glob what is happening....
Marshall P.O.V
So I've had feelings for Fiona for a while but wasn't sure if I should tell her but tonight when we hang out I think I'm going to. I need to eventually or she'll go back to trying to get dumb gum butt's attention and I can't see her hurting again. *3 hours later at Fiona's* I nervously knock on her door and she greets me with her amazing smile and a big bear hug like always. We go and sit down on her couch like normal and she puts in her favorite movie I usually would have protested but tonight is different. As the movie goes on I put my arm around her at first I don't think she notices then she stiffens. I get kinda worried she doesn't like it but she slowly lowers her head to my chest and all I can do is smile the widest smile. I then put my arms around her and pull her close as we continue watching the movie.
Fiona P.O.V
I took a peek at Marshal and he looked nervous and I felt him begin to pull his arm away so I decided I would go with it so I leaned my head to his chest. He then put his arms around me and pulled me close. That's when I realized I have feelings for my best friend and I could not escape them.
We continued to watch the movie but not for long.
Marshal P.O.V
As we were cuddling I couldn't stop thinking of how I needed to tell her how I feel about her so I figured now was better than any. "Fiona I need to tell you something" I slightly whispered "yeah what is it" she said while turning to look at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. " I uh...I kinda... Like you maybe even um" I said while looking away "oh..well I think I might like or maybe love you too" she said while looking at me blushing like mad. I looked at her and smiled. "Well then you wouldn't mind me asking if you'd maybe be my girlfriend?"I say looking deep into her eyes " Of course I'll be your girlfriend Marshall" she says giggling
Fiona P.O.V
I couldn't believe Marshall asked me out. Oh my glob I think this is the best thing ever but wait what will cake think.... Well I guess we'll just have to find out. But after I agreed to be his girlfriend we cuddled and I ended up falling asleep on him....oops. I woke to the delicious smell of bacon pancakes and went to try and get up but failed when Marshall pulled me back into his chest. I started giggling and he smiled at me and kissed my nose. Eventually he let me get up and go to the kitchen and see what Cake was doing. Once I walked into the kitchen Cake looked at me and smiled and wiggled her eyebrows and asked how it felt to have a boyfriend. Wait how did she know ugh she was probably ease dropping again.
* 1 year later*
Marshall P.O.V
Me and Fiona have now been dating for a year today. 6 months ago we made a promise that we'd wait till our 1 year anniversary to have sex. So today was the day and I was super excited and nervous the closest we've been to doing it is making out with my underwear on and her bra and underwear on it was amazing but not as amazing as how it is going to be tonight. I had planned everything out since I knew Fiona would be too nervous. We will get some pizza and watch a movie and slowly throughout the movie I'll kiss her and slowly move my hand up her thigh......oh glob I'm turning myself on just thinking about it. Well you get the idea. So now I just need to get ready for Fiona to come over.
Fiona P.O.V.
Oh glob today's the day Marshall and I finally go to tier 15. I'm super nervous yet super excited. I had about 2 hours before he was expecting me at his house so I needed to get ready. I decided to wear a blue crop top and a cute gray ruffly skirt. After I was done with my makeup I headed out to Marshall's house with butterflies in my tummy.
Marshall P.O.V
It was 7 and Fiona wasn't here I was about to call her when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Fiona in an amazing outfit I wasn't sure if I'd be able to keep myself from ripping her clothes off then and there but I controlled myself for the most part and gave Fiona a kiss and let her in. We sat on the couch and watched Day Z and ate our pizza once we were done eating and that movie was over I put in Friends with Benefits to.... Get in the mood. As the first sex scene came on I moved my hand to her thigh and I felt her tense a little I started to rub circles on her inner thigh and she started to relax. That's when I started to kiss her neck and I could feel her becoming putty in my hands. I then decided to move it along a little and started to move my hand up even further till I was cupping her heat, I heard her gasp lightly then moan and that's what set me off. I couldn't hold back anymore I started to rub her through her underwear and after a bit of that I picked her up bridal style and flew her to my bed where I laid her down and stripped her of her clothes and took off my clothes and ate her out till she came. She was so breathless and so sexy this feeling came over me at first I didn't know what it was but it didn't take long till I figured out it was lust. I needed Fiona then and there but I had to be careful since it was her first time and all. I grabbed a condom and rolled it on and slowly pushed in it hurt me to see it hurt her but she didn't want me to stop so I didn't but after a few thrusts she was a moaning mess and it didn't take long for her to fall apart. Once we had an amazing first time we cuddled and I asked Fiona " So was it like how you thought?" She smiled and replied sleepily " mhm that and more" I chuckled softly and kissed her forehead " good" I replied.

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