Chapter 36

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Cheyann's POV

It has been a few days. Today is my moms funeral. I have been doing really bad. I have started up cutting again. My dad is in rehab for his drinking problem. Shawn hasn't left me yet. Taylor has been by my side since my mom got sick. Right now me and Taylor are on our way to the funeral. I can't stop crying. Taylor is driving. We are almost there. I look back and see the rest of the guys and girls behind us. I see the hersh that is going to carry my mothers dead body and I start crying even more. Taylor takes one hand off the wheel and grabs my hand. I calm down a little bit. We are pulling into the church. When i get in the church I start to freak out. I told them i wanted it to be closed casket because dead boddies freak me out. I started shaking really bad and when Shawn walked in he seen me shaking and he looked and seen the casket was open and he found the man who was running the funeral and asked him to shut it. The man shut the casket and apologized. The service started and I couldn't stop crying. Taylor held my hand the entire time until I had to get up and speak. When I got up there I looked at the casket for awhile. I started talking about all the good memories I had with my mom. Hi for those of you that don't know me I am Cheyann. I'm Karen's daughter. We were really close. She use to sing to me and my brother Shawn when we were little. She use to read books to us. I use to ask her silly questions just to hear her voice. Her voice use to calm me down when I was upset. She was very smart. Every time I needed advice I would go to her. She was my best friend. Nobody was a stranger to her. I guess that I take after her. She was always so gentle and so calm. She is the most strongest person i have ever met because she fought cancer five times as a kid and five as an adult. This last time she faught it for awhile. I remember staying in that hospital praying to God that she gets better. I always looked up to her. I wanted to be just like her. She was the perfect role model. Shes smart, funny, understanding, beautiful, sweet. The list goes on and on. She was a great woman and she will be missed dearly. I love you mama. And with that I went abd sat back down. We are now driving to the cemetery. I watched as they put her casket in the ground. I watched them bury her up. I turned to Taylor and put my head in the crook of his neck and cried. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Then I felt another. Then another pair of arms wrapped around me. Then all of a sudden everyone was huddled up in a group hug. I just bawled my eyes out while everyone else silently cried. Everyone let go of the hug except for me and Taylor. I still had my head in the crook of his neck. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car. We drove home in silence. When we got home Taylor picked me up and carried me to bed. He laid me down then he laid down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. He told me to get some sleep. I fell asleep shortly after to the sound of the love of my life's heartbeat. I truly love Taylor. If it weren't for him I probably wouldn't be here.

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