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Friday, May 14, 2020

   I woke up today and Alejandro wasn't next to me

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I woke up today and Alejandro wasn't next to me. We came home yesterday and spent the night. But he isn't here anymore. "Ale?" I questioned. I slowly got off my bed and walked out of my room. "Bubs?" I called once again. "Are you here?" I asked going down the stairs. "In the restroom." I heard him say. I sighed of relief. I walked to the living room.

"So what are we doing today?" He asked sitting next to me on the couch. "I have something planned but that's until later. So from here until 4 or 5 we do whatever you want. After that it's my turn." "Okay okay. Well in that case. Get ready cause we're going out." "Okay." I walked upstairs with Ale behind me. He had clothes here so he's most likely going to get ready here. I went in the restroom and took a shower. After my shower I changed into my outfit.

 After my shower I changed into my outfit

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(Your outfit^^^)

(Ale's outfit^^^)

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(Ale's outfit^^^)

   Ale then took a shower and got dressed. I didn't wear much makeup. I put on a little bit of mascara and lip gloss. I got my phone and purse and started walking downstairs. Ale was on the couch with his phone waiting for me. "I'm ready." I said walking up to him. "Ok let's just- Omg!" He said looking up from his phone.

   "What?" I asked. "Bubs you look beautiful." "Aww thank you bubs. You look very handsome yourself." I said giving him a kiss. "Thank you. Now let's go." "Ok where are we going?" "You'll see." We walked out the door and got in the car.

   Ale got in the driver's seat as I got in the passenger's. "Where are we going?" I asked. "We're going to get breakfast and then go to the park and then go for ice cream." "Ooh okay." I said smiling. He held my hand as he drove.

~A few minutes later~

We got to Ihop and sat down. We sat across each other. While looking at the menu I noticed something. There was the boy I bumped into yesterday at the mall. He was alone, just sitting there looking straight into my eyes. Then he winked. I just kept looking at him. "Y/n?" Ale said waving his hand infront of my face. "Oh... uhh sorry I zoned out."

"The girl asked what you want to eat." He continued. "Ohh uhh yes I would like waffles and chicken tenders. Can I also get a strawberry milkshake with that?" "Yes, and for you?" She asked look at Ale. "Same thing please." "Okay I'll be back in a few minutes." "Thank you." I said.

"What were you looking at?" He asked. "You remember yesterday when I said I bumped into someone?" "Yeah, why?" "I think I just saw the boy I bumped into. He was sitting alone and he was looking at me. And he winked." "Where's he at?" "He's sitting over there. At that table." I said not trying to make it obvious we were talking about him.

Ale stood up. "Where do you think you're going?" I said taking ahold of his arm. "I'm going to go talk to him." "What? Are you crazy? Sit down." I said whispering but still loud enough. I was not trying to make a scene. "Just let me go talk to him." "Ok fine but hurry and don't take it too serious." "Ok ok." He left to talk to him.

I stayed on my phone the whole time. Later the waitress came with our food. He had definitely been there for too long. I was "patiently" waiting for him so we could both eat at the same time. I looked up from my phone and hes heading my way with the boy behind him. 'What is he doing?' I thought. I grabbed my fork and started eating.

   "Hey bubs, uhh this is Mattia. He just moved to the city and he's going to our school." Ale said looking at me while taking a seat. As well as Mattia. "Oh well welcome Mattia. How are you liking it so far?" I asked with a smile.  "I don't really know. I haven't really looked around." "Oh well Y/n and I wouldn't mind showing you around." said Ale.

   "No it's ok. I wouldn't like to bother you guys on your anniversary." I looked at him confused. "How'd you know it's our anniversary?" I asked. "He probably just asssumed." Ale said. I don't know why but Mattia wasn't giving me a good vibe.

~Later that day~

   Ale and I have been showing Mattia around since breakfast. It was now six and he was still with us. The sun was setting and we decided to get ice cream. Ale and I got mint chocolate chip and Mattia got salted caramel. We went to the park and talked. After a few hours I took Ale and Mattia home. Coincidentally Mattia lives next to me. It's kinda cool having a new neighbor but not really.

842 words

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