Failed Attempt (Ninjago)

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Alternatively titled: "Kai and Skylor being stupid teenagers for over a thousand words straight." :D

Since this is a standalone story and isn't really connected to anything, I'd describe the following as a High School AU. I didn't do much worldbuilding, though several references are made to how the AU works. Despite that, I was rather pleased with how it turned out so I hope you enjoy!


"Dude, Fidele asked you to prom?" A ginger-headed girl guffawed. "No way! I thought she'd never find the courage. Everyone knows she's had a megacrush on you for years."

     The boy walking next to her messed with his immaculate hair. "I mean, who wouldn't? With these looks?"

     "You self-absorbed brat." The ginger was now laughing so hard she had to hold her stomach. "What did you tell her?"

     The two walked towards the boy's car, which had way too many dents for a new purchase. Despite this, he still loved it and often would be found asking several of his football buddies to ride with him just so he could take it out of his driveway. The girl didn't particularly like riding in it (it smelled way too much like sweaty teenage boy), but she had no one to take her to her job at the noodle house. The boy was the only one available.

     The boy's look turned partially thoughtful as he opened the passenger's side door for her. "Nothing. She slipped a card in my locker. I haven't seen her since."

     "I think she called in sick today. Probably had a panic attack or something." The ginger buckled herself in, wincing at the strong scent of air freshener. Apparently, the car had just been cleaned to a disgustingly perfect degree. "Dang, Kai, are you planning to take her out for a joyride or something?"

     "What do you mean?" The boy slipped into the driver's seat, and the girl immediately realized he was wearing way too much cologne. She knew him well enough to know he never wore any type of perfume simply because his younger sister was allergic. Combine that odd addition to the scrubbed-to-perfection car and she had the rising suspicion he was trying to impress someone.

     "Your car."

     "I know it's amazing, Skylor, but you didn't have to tell me something I already knew."

     The ginger couldn't figure out a snarky way to reply to that without repeating her earlier insults, so she settled for rolling her eyes.

     The car smoothly glided out of the school's parking lot, zipping way over the speed limit onto the nearest main road. Skylor would have usually complained about breaking the law, but she had procrastinated earlier and did not want to show up to work late. And if there was one thing she had learned about Kai over the years, it was that he didn't like people telling him how to do things. He was a bit arrogant towards his own abilities.

     Another anomaly came to Skylor's attention. Kai was not blasting the local pop music station over his loudspeakers, so the ride was mostly quiet. When she looked over at the driver, he seemed way too lost in thought for normal.

     "Are you planning your first date now?" She nudged his arm, immediately regretting the action when Kai swerved the car in surprise and bunch of disgruntled drivers sounded their horns around them.


     "With Fidele."

     "No way."

     Skylor laughed again. "Is that how you're planning to reject her? You could get your football crew to put you over the morning announcements. I know how you all love to sneak around."

     His cheeks barely flushed pink, but that was the only indication that he heard her. She started to suspect he might be trying to hide his own megacrush on Fidele until he mumbled something she couldn't catch.

     "Speak up like I'm Lloyd when he dyed all of your uniforms pink."

     His knuckles turned white as he drifted into the turn lane. Skylor was starting to get concerned that they hadn't been pulled over yet, but that was not the topic she was interested in now. Kai's sister needed the tea on who he liked.

     "I said," Kai said after a second, "she's not my first choice, so I think I'll say that."

     "Oooooooh," Skylor chimed. "Who's the lucky girl?"

     Kai slammed on the breaks as he entered the noodle shop's parking lot, making both of them snap forward. Skylor was aware she had to clock in quite soon, but there was no way she was letting him leave her on that cliffhanger. She just batted her lashes at him until he groaned.

     "You're not going to let this go, are you?"

     "Not a chance."

     "What if I asked that girl right now? Would you tell me every way I went wrong?"

     "Probably," Skylor shrugged. It was her purpose in life to poke fun at him until he chuckled at how stupid she was being. Their bratty natures towards each other had been the defining trait of their friendship the past few years.

     "What if I said it was you?"


     He narrowed his eyes, finally looking her in the eyes. "Skylor, will you be my prom date?"

     "Excuse me?"

     "You heard me." Kai crossed his arms, leaning back in his seat. In front of him, the clock ticked to the next minute, meaning Skylor would have to make a run for it if she wanted to show up on time.

     Skylor shook her head. "Are you meaning to tell me this is your grand plan for a proposal? No flowers? No cards? Not even an 'I-love-you' speech? You need to watch some more romcoms."

     He looked so confuddled that she had to pity him. "So... you're saying... you don't want to?"

     "Right-o, the answer is no." Skylor chirped, grabbing her backpack and opening the car door.

    She had assumed he would just start laughing and complain about how she didn't fall for his joke. But he was achingly silent. When she looked back at the boy, he looked almost dejected.

     It caused her joking side to suddenly step aside. Skylor leaned over to pat his arm. "I'll think about it."

     "That normally means no." Kai growled under his breath.

     "Think of it as a failed attempt. You still have two tries left."

     His face twisted in thought until he finally half-smiled. "So, tomorrow I need to announce my intentions over the morning announcements while Cole sings a corny love song in the background?"

     "You go that far, and the answer is definitely no." Skylor laughed.

     "Well then," Kai raised his eyebrows. "It sounds like I have some more cologne to put on."

     "Oh, good gravy, that was for me?" Skylor stumbled out of the car, hastily shoving her uniform's jacket over her school clothes. Maybe if she acted like she just got there the managers would let her off easy.

     Kai smiled at her, saluting as he switched his car into drive. "Farewell, my fairest Skylor. I shalt give you better greetings tomorrow."

     Skylor sighed at him as he drove off, knowing she was late but somehow not caring. "See you tomorrow."



I had a lot of fun writing this (and channeling my inner sass) and I hope I made you all laugh at least once. Make sure to check out @therearenooptions to see her half of this challenge. See you all next week!


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