Part 9

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I can't help but jump throughout the movie. Don't get me wrong, I like horror movies, but I'm an absolute scaredy cat.

Soon enough, the credits roll and I can't stop thinking about the movie. "Can we watch something happy now?" I ask, still shaken up.

Ethan laughs. "Sure, princess." His face widens at realization of what he just said, and he quickly coughs. Did I hear that right? Did he call me princess?

I giggle awkwardly. I just put on The Avengers. I snuggle up against him again and think about the future, hoping things get better.

My eyes flutter closed and I fall into the sweet escape of sleep.

Ethan's POV

Did I seriously just call her princess out loud? I'm freaking out. She just giggles, and it sounds like music to my ears, even if it was just because she was nervous. Her laugh sounds beautiful. She puts on a 'happy movie to take her mind off of The Nun. It's both cute and funny that she has to do that after a scary movie. She then snuggles into me, which results in a deep blush from me.

After about 30 minutes, I look down to see Y/N asleep. She looks peaceful, like there isn't a worry in the world. But I know that's not true. If only it was. I wish I could take the pain that she feels away.

She was in my dream last night. She actually is the girl of my dreams, at least I think she is. She's smart, funny, beautiful, and strong. God, she's amazing.

I start playing with her hair. I wish I could stay in this moment, pretending that everything is great. I lay my head back and feel my eyes getting heavy. I'll close them, just for a minute.

(Time Skip)

I open my eyes, realizing I had fallen asleep. The TV was turned off and I could hear Mark talking in his recording room. Y/N was still asleep on me.

I slowly get up, making sure I don't wake her. I make my way over to the kitchen and grab a water. I then walk to Mark's recording room and knock. "You can come in." I hear.

I open the door and sit by him. "Oh, hey Ethan. So what' up with you and my sister?" He says with a slight smirk.

"I- nothing. We just watched a movie and fell asleep." I stutter.

"You like her." Mark says with confidence.

"Yeah, I do. But don't tell her!"

"I won't. Just don't hurt her. Understand? She's been through enough."

"I won't. But she did tell me that she wants to get better."

Mark's face lights up a little. "Really? She actually said that?" I nod in response. "That's great."

Suddenly, Mark's look turns into one of surprise. "How long have you been standing there?"

What? I turn around, and see Y/N. Oh, shit. Did she hear that I like her? I gulp.

"Not long. But long enough." She says with a smile playing on her lips. What does that mean? "Alright, I'm going to go call Amanda." She walks away.

"Maarrkkkkk! Does she know?" I whine.

Mark just stifles a laugh. "I don't know, bud."


So, Ethan likes me. My inner fangirl is screaming yes. But what if its not true? What is he's only saying that to make me happy? Ugh, its so confusing. I plop down onto my bed and dial Amanda's phone number.

"Y/N! Mark told us that you're doing a lot better. What did the attack feel like?" I cringe, did she really just ask that?

"Um, it hurt. Then, I passed out so I didn't feel anything after that."

"Wow. That must have been scary and exciting. Well, not exciting, but you know what I mean."

I'm not sure do, but i just hum, "Mhm. Anyways, how's your summer going? Are you enjoying the pool?"

"Heck yeah. I've had a couple friends over now and then. And Mom hasn't been such a pain in the ass lately, which is weird but also nice."

I laugh. Amanda and Mom never had a great relationship. They are just so much alike that they fight constantly. I mean, they still have nice moments, but they butt heads a lot. So, its good that they're sort of getting along.

"What about you? How is your summer?"

"Its been a series of ups and downs. I got attacked by a shark, so that sucked." I laugh. "But I also met someone that I really like. Remember when I talked about Ethan?"


"Well, he likes me. And I really like him too. But he doesn't know that."

"Well, now I do." Ethan says with a smile. He's leaning on the door frame.

"Ahhhh!" Oh God. He heard that. He freaking heard me say that I like him.

He smirks. "You didn't hear anything!" My voice goes up a couple octaves. This is so embarrassing.

He walks over to me and gives me a hug. He walks back out and heads to the living room. This is so confusing.

I then realize that my sister is still on the line. I bring the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

"SPILL THE TEA!" She screams. Ouch.

"Well, he heard what I said. Then hugged me and left."

"Aww. I want a boyfriend! I'm so lonely."

"Manda, he's not my boyfriend."

"But he will be. I mean, you're so pretty. You have all the guys chasing you." I suppress a laugh. Me, beautiful? Hell no. "When is someone going to like me back?" She whines.

"Hey, you're beautiful. Someone is going to treat you like a queen one day. Don't worry."

We talk a bit longer then hang up.

I hit shuffle on my music and "Sometimes" by Anthony Amorim comes on.  This song always hits hard. Love never really worked for me. All of my past relationships were a train wreck.

It always got to the point where we both say 'I love you.' Then, the person leaves.

That's why I'm guarded. I want to be open enough to have a relationship with Ethan, but what if he's just like the rest? What if its all a game to him? I know he's probably being genuine, but my anxiety makes me think he's not. I just don't know what to do at this point.

I stare at my ceiling and think of all the ways this could go wrong. I know I shouldn't, but I do anyways.

(A/N: Hey guys. So I'm sorry for not posting. I just learned some upsetting news about my grandmother. I'm going to try to keep publishing chapters regularly. I love y'all!)

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