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"The royal convoy has arrived

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"The royal convoy has arrived." A group of girls hurried their way down the magnanimous staircase.

Trumpets were blown aloud preceeded by the disclosure of the dark, colossal palace gates. The soldiers of Indrapuri slowed down their horses. Rajmata Damini stepped down from her palanquin. A few handmaids followed her.

Soon,they were welcomed by the shower of flower petals and perfume. Reverent Lady Sirsha bowed in the presence of the Queen Mother of Indrapuri, welcoming her with the pious platter. Festivities were on it's peak.

Although, the centre of attraction solely belonged to the King of Indrapuri, he was far from impressed. The inumerable flower petals showering over him, had no significance for him. His hazel orbs were restless and curious at the same time. He wished that the pleasantries to end as soon as possible. A single word of his could so, but he held himself.

"Where are you lost?" Rajmata Damini coerced him not to lose his demeanor. 

He nodded as a well-behaved son, but his risen heartbeats drew a different story.

Wasn't it unpleasant that the reigning Queen was not welcoming them, instead she had sent the minister's wife? A two-days long yabbering about her had reluctantly ignited a desire in him. He knew there wasn't a single chance in her hand to put down his proposal. Perhaps, it was her kingdom who showed interest in allying with them. The fear of rejection was, thus, out of the scene.

His mute questions were soon answered as the Royal Highness of Mayurmukhi gracefully proceeded towards them. A calm smile was etched on her glowing profile. The red attire shone magnificently as the bright sunrays reflected the golden threads and motifs.

Abhimanyu let out a sigh unknowingly. Amongst the other ladies who giggled under their long veils, the reigning Queen of Mayurmukhi had an aura of her own. Her wild,free hairs trailed down to her waist. Neither a veil, nor a crown graced her forehead yet she was the Queen.

Tara's apparently black iris darted towards Abhimanyu. It leisurely trailed down his pursed lips and defined square jaws, the light freckles on his cheeks as if a tigress marking her prey. His golden silhoutte was screaming of his handsome stature. The brown locks fell on his forehead in a laid back gesture prominating his jovial nature.

The people were beyond happy, afterall their princess had gotten a suitable groom.

Everyone marched inside the confines of the palace. The royals were served with refreshments, their handmaidens were alotted to respective chambers.

Rajmata Damini was pleased to the brim. Her potential daughter-in-law seemed to take after the way she dreamt of. Thus, the tedious journey was worth it. His son too was enamoured by her grandeur, his hooded eyelids spoke the same. The only thing left was to finalise an auspicious date to tie their knot.

A small smile curled up her lips reminiscing her own young days. The day her husband had came to pay a visit to her kingdom. She, too had gazed upon his features wide-eyed, not a sense of shame had gotten into her little head. The trivial resemblance of hers and her potential daughter-in-law filled her with more enthusiasm.

Abhimanyu was unaware of Tara's presence for the whole while

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Abhimanyu was unaware of Tara's presence for the whole while. He had been in an illusive trance since he beholded Tara upon his orbs. He gazed at the brightest star besides the moon but brought back to reality when his ears caught a soft crooning by the sprawling yard.

He followed the low hums to pause by Tara, who stood facing her back towards him.

He cleared his throat to simulate a conversation. She turned around, her tanned skin glowing under the faint, silver rays.

"Maharaj" she joined her hands in reverence, "Aren't you resting?" She creased her brows as a reverie of thoughts struck her. "Do you need something?"

Abhimanyu chukkled lowly at her worried gestures. "You need not trouble yourself about me? I am just enjoying some fresh airs. That's it."

"Oh" She heaved a collective sigh of relief.

"I know, it's a bit off the track to ask you, since we are conversing for the first time. So, if you allow me, may I?" He asked.

"Spill it out." She smiled genuinely.

"Though being the all-in-all, why aren't you crowned the Queen? Is it just because of the hideous rules of the men?"

Her breath tensed at his curiosity, "No, I have vowed to not wear the crown until I kill the ones who assassinated my family."

"I hope I haven't hurt you anyway." He spoke out gauging her pensive mood.

"I don't spare them who hurt me, so easily."


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