The Horrible Beginning

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    I am so sorry you felt the need to read this. Please forgive me.

    Dream felt utterly crushed. Some kid with the stupidest ign possible had just demolished his speedrun world record, and by minutes. About four whole minutes were shaved off of his near impossible time to beat.

    Now normally, Dream would watch the speedrun footage and just utterly rip the video apart for being fake, except this time he couldn't find any faults with it. Everything about it was flawless. Maybe he could potentially debunk the extremely fast bridging done in the Nether and the End, but he knew this kid was the uncontested champion in speed bridging. His speed bridging had been surveyed by multiple people, and his computer was checked for hacked clients, which there were none.

The worst parts about everything was that the same person had beaten his record multiple times, in the same day, and his YouTube channel was growing at speeds that even surpassed Dream's. He was already at seven million subscribers, and it had barely been four months since his first online appearance.

Dream let out a breathy laugh thinking about the kid's first appearance. His friend had been recording with a really terrible microphone and had called the kid bad a few times, before the sheer power of the kid's speed bridging was revealed. To think that the same guy would soon dominate the Minecraft leaderboards or nearly everything.

"Dream, how long have you been watching that?" Dream's friend, George, called from the other room.

"Not that long."

Checking the time would say otherwise about the situation, and George knew that.

"Dream, you can't just watch this speedrun 50 times and expect it to change, it's been," he checked his phone. "Five hours."

Dream scoffed. "You don't understand, I just-I can't-I'm supposed to be better than him. I've been at this for so long and this guy comes in and takes that all away from me."

"I get it Dream, I'd be mad if I was in your position," He then noticed the bags under Dream's eyes. "Anyway, you need sleep."

"No I don't, I need answers."

George crossed his arms, "I may be colorblind, but I can still see visible dark circles under people's eyes."

That earned a smile from Dream. "Speak for yourself, shorty." He got off of his chair to go to the bathroom, leaving a sputtering British boy behind.

Somewhere across the state of Florida, a slightly shorter man was furiously hitting his keyboard, speed bridging for the last six minutes straight. Sweat was beading at his forehead, but he couldn't wipe it away if he didn't want his character to fall of the dirt path. All of a sudden, there was a large block of land under him and he slammed his finger down on his phone. Six minutes and 47 seconds. He had taken a few seconds off of his last record.

"And there we go chat! New record, woooooo!" He wiped his forehead with a little hand towel he had remembered to get before he started.

"Ok guys, thank you so much for sticking through that with me. I said I was gonna leave after this, but I guess I can answer your guys' questions since the donos were turned off for that."

The questions started rolling in as soon as he set the donos back up.

    "How old are you really, I said that already, I'm 20. What's your favorite song, I don't know, maybe WAP. Do you know Dream, I've never talked to him, but I do know he exists. I'd like to meet him someday, Illumina too. We can have a speedrunner party! How are you doing, I'm great, thank you!

"Well, since you asked about how I was doing, that reminded me. I have something I want to share with you guys," he paused, for slightly dramatic effect. "I have been invited to the Dream SMP by GeorgeNotFound!"

    The chat went ballistic. After all this time, their favorite YouTuber was finally being added to the Minecraft server they so loved.

    "Alright guys, I'll leave you with that on your minds. I don't know when they want to introduce me to the server, but I'll let you guys know ahead of time when I find out." He said goodbye to his viewers and thanked them all profusely.

    After ending the stream, he navigated to his YouTube channel to check on his analytics. There, at the top of the page, sat his channel name.


Oh god. Please don't let this flop, because even thought it's a mistake, it's my mistake and I care about it. I even tried making it good for some reason.

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