New friendship

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*Olivia's pov*

The instructor is now explaining us about the canoeing and safety shit. I'm not even paying attention it's practically impossible while having a Harry stare at me and Louis. It's starting to annoy me I don't like the jealous types.

"So guys this is all I had to say about the canoeing now get your canoes and your gear!" The instructor said while pointing towards the gear shed.
Me and Louis walked towards the shed and decided to get a neon green canoe.

"Olivia. Harry seems really upset that's he's not set up with you for canoeing." Christine said.

"Yeah I noticed the death stare during the instructions, if he could kill someone with that stare he would." I said laughing.

"For real tho, now go back to Louis he's waiting for you next to the canoe!" Christine said along with a hug.

"Byee Christine, have fun!" I said while running and waving goodbye.

"I'm back bitch." I said to Louis while laughing.

"I've missed you these 5 minutes were way too long!" He said sarcastically.

"Let's get going this is going to be fun!" He said while pushing the canoe into the water.

"One thing I swear if this thing turns I'll blame it on you!" I said while stepping into the canoe.

"There we go we're in that's already a big step." He said laughing.

"Yes and I hope to stay in it as well." I said with a chuckle.

"Olivia did you also see Harry give us the death stare?" He asked.

"How could you not see it it was scary!" I said making him laugh.

"Is he jealous or something?" Louis asked.

"I'm not sure he could be but I'm not going to ask him anything." I said while struggling to paddle.

"Olivia watch out there's a bush there!" Louis said while half shouting.


"Well that was very close to turning the canoe!" He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I could see the rest of the group around us having fun except Harry and Bella. I feel sorry for Bella I know how much she loves canoeing and now it's basically getting ruined by a grumpy Harry.
I'm having a great time with Louis he's great fun. Always makes me laugh I'm happy I can do this activity with him. I suddenly hear people shout at us I look to where we're going and I see another canoe.


"Yes sir!" He said.

A few seconds later I felt the canoe fall to the side, WE'RE GOING IN THE WATER.


"YOU SAID TURN THE CANOE." He said laughing.

By now the canoe was turned and we were in the water under a canoe. Good thing I'm a good swimmer a lot of people would've panicked.
We swam from under the canoe and looked at each other I just wanted to slap him as a joke. But we couldn't we looked at each other and starting laughing like mad.

"If this wouldn't be funny I would slap you Louis Tomlinson!" I said laughing.

"Yeah yeah I bet you would." He said while pushing me playfully.

"Don't try me Tomlinson!" I said. I jumped on top of him and tried pushing him under the water.
He got back up and attacked me playfully.
I felt a glare at me, I looked to the right and saw Harry in the canoe. This time he didn't look angry but rather sad. I feel sorry for him this should be fun not shit. Me and Louis climbed back into the canoe and started paddling back to the lake-house.

"Finally we're here I'm tired from all the paddling." Louis said while helping me get out of the canoe.

"Yeah same here but it was great fun I'll have to admit that!" I said while smiling at him.

"Oh that it was for sure! I'm going to go shower I'll meet you at 7 by the stage?" He said.

"Yes you will! Bye Louiss!!" I said while hugging him goodbye. He waved goodbye and left with the boys except Harry wasn't there. Where could he be? I'm going to find him I feel the need to talk to him.

"Harry?!?!" I said yelling.

"Oh you're here finally. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Uhm yeah sure I'm good, why?" He said trying to hide his sad face.

"Uhm well I saw you give me death stares multiple times and I saw you sad in the canoe not having fun and I felt sorry for you." I said while sitting down next to him.

"I just really wanted to do this activity with you I was really looking forward to it. I thought we would be allowed to choose our partner ourselves. And I saw you and Louis have so much fun I guess I got jealous." He said while looking at his hands.

"It's okay Harry I understand but you don't have to be jealous. Me and Louis it's just a good friendship." I said while holding his hands.

"Yeah sure I'll try." He said while looking back up at me.

"Now let's go I have to shower and change for the BBQ." I said while getting up.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that shit I don't think I'm going." He said while getting up as well.

"I beg you a pardon you're coming." I said while smiling at him.


"No buts you're coming I'll see you there! Goodbye Harry!" I said before walking away.

I'm exhausted, I'm almost at my cabin tho I wonder if the girls all had fun. 

*7 Minutes later*

Finally I'm here it took a while.
I opened the door and saw all the girls inside already.

"Heyy Olivia! Did you have fun?" Bella asked.

"Yeah it was great Louis is great fun! What about you?" I asked already knowing her answer.

"Well uhm Harry wasn't the funnest today so it was basically shit. Seeing everyone having fun and me stuck with a grumpy person." She said in a sad tone.

"I'm so sorry he was a little upset with some shit but I talked to him so I think he's all good again." I said while walking towards my room.


I'm sorry it took me so long to update!
I'm very busy with Christmas shopping and work. Tomorrow I'll be posting again.


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