1. Cloud Buster

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Rainbow Dash had gone back to Equestria Land to ride the Cloud Buster...again. She was still pretty scared of it from the first time they all came, and she had rode it with Fluttershy, but this time, she was by herself because her friends were busy. Fluttershy did mention that Zephyr was at Equestria Land today, but Rainbow Dash could easily avoid him seeing as how there are thousands of people here.


She looked for any new improvements in Equestria Land as she made her way to the Cloud Buster roller coaster. She did notice a very large blocked off area, with construction vehicles. "Maybe they're making a new food joint." Rainbow wondered. She grabbed a Cotton Cany from the cotton candy stand, and continued her quest to the Cloud Buster.


She stared up at the roller coaster and her legs started quaking again. She could still remember her legs feeling like absolute sauce after she ride it for the first time. And she wondered how someone as scared as Fluttershy, would be braver than her?! It was unbelievable! She wondered if there was any roller coaster that could be scarier than the Cloud Buster.


"Hey, Rainbows!" She heard a voice say. She recognized this voice, and face palmed. After all this time, he finally decides to show up. "What is it Zephyr?" She asked, very annoyed. "Didn't think you'd be here, u fittin' to ride the Cloud Buster? I could ride with you if you want?" He said with puppy dog eyes. Nobody could resist puppy dog eyes. Nobody. No matter how much Rainbow tried to resist, she gave in and accepted the offer, smacking her self through the line for falling for such child's play.


They sat in the front seat, as Rainbow did the first time she rode it. Zephyr loved the ride, meanwhile Rainbow was trembling. She tried to hide it so Zephyr wouldn't notice, but he already did. He placed an arm around her shoulder, and she didn't like it, but it somehow made her stop trembling. She still didn't like it. And was about to mention it, until she was cut off but the slope downhill. Zephyr kissed her on the cheek at the part with the camera, but she didn't notice because she was too busy screaming. When the ride ended, Zeohyr hopped out of the car happily. Rainbow struggled. He saw this, and decided to give her a hand.


She hesitated touching his hand, but eventually accepted the help. Once again, her legs had turned into absolute liquid. She had fallen, but was caught by Zephyr. Rainbow heard a photo being taken, and she prayed to god that it was a selfie and not this embarrassing moment. After a while Rainbow was kinda stable. "Wanna get some icecream? On meee??" Zephyr asked with puppy dog eyes again. Rainbow still couldn't really walk well, and he used the puppy dog eyes, she accepted. As they walked by the photo shop under the Cloud Buster, there were a group of people gathered at the photo screen....


𝙴𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚊 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚍: 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚃𝚘 𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎Where stories live. Discover now