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Persephone Alderidge, better known as Kore, sat in the garden of the, secluded, Jones family summer home. The August air being thick yet bearable. She journaled every flower she saw, drawing each one carefully. Her brown hair being in a bun that sat on top of her head, wearing a cream colored shirt stained with paint and dungarees. This is where she spent most of her time.

She has been in hiding for the past few months, leaving very little to do. Her journaling was interrupted by a cough. She turned her head to see Mr. Jones with Albus Dumbledore.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Alderidge. Sorry to interrupt."

Persephone stood up and greeted Dumbledore. "Oh no, Professor, don't apologize. Here take a seat." She offered him a chair at the little garden table, sitting next to him.

"What is that?" He asked, pointing at the old brown book in her hand.

She opened it and showed him the pages. "I've been spending my time journaling. My first one was creatures I saw during my walks, now plants." Dumbledore has been looking out for Persephone the moment her mother died, immediately sticking her in with Martin and Naomi Jones, two members of the Order. He also had his eye out on both her and her sister, Aphrodite. "Any news from her?" He shook his head. "How about from my f-father?" She hated calling him that. That man was never and will never be her father.

"I'm sorry to say no, Ms. Alderidge." Her look softened and she nodded. "I'm actually here to talk about your time at Hogwarts." Her stomach was doing flip flops, she has been dreading this conversation since the moment Dumbledore instructed her to go into hiding. "Now as you know, He Who Shall Not Be Named is back." A shutter ran up her spine. "Meaning your father is too. Now while your safety is my top concern, I want you to know you will be returning to Hogwarts for your sixth year."

She let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness. Thank you sir!"

He nodded and patted her shoulder. "But I must warn you, everything will be different now. More safety precautions, more rules you must follow, and the students. Your father is a known killer and Death Eater, some may act cold to you."

Colder than they've already been? She thought. "Don't worry, sir, I must turn my other cheek. Something my mother always told me."

"Sounds very much like your mother, dear." They both chuckled. "Now remember, no letters or contact with others until you reach school. All important letters will be received by me." She nodded again. "Ms. Jones, you may come out now." Persephone's best friend, Dorothy, peeked her head through the bush she was hiding in. A blush painted on her face, making Persephone laugh. "Ms. Jones, I thank you and your parents for protecting Ms. Alderidge. It is highly appreciated."

"It's my pleasure, Professor." She smiled.

"Now I must get going, business to attend to. I'll see you both very soon." He grinned and got up, leaving the two girls alone.

"Well, at least you get to stay! Something you've been fearing for months! Plus your father but that's another story." Though Dotty was one of the top Ravenclaws, she wasn't very subtle.

Persephone just stared ahead, no emotion. "Yeah but at what cost? I'm rushing the lives of so many people, you and your family included." She felt as if she could cry.

Dotty placed her hand on her best friends and squeezed it. "Well, Kore, that's a risk I'm willing to take." Persephone turned to her best friend and hugged her. "Now let's go in, mother is done lunch!"

"I'll meet you in there, I have to clean up my art supplies." Her best friend left her alone in the garden, staring at the beauty in front of her. It was times like this she missed her mother. Wise and nurturing. She closed her eyes and pictured the beauty and grace of Ebony Alderidge. A tall woman with long blonde hair, much like her sister Aphrodite. Her hazel eyes and smile that matched Persephone's. Her scent of fresh lilac and detergent, something Kore will never forget. She picked up her art supplies and headed into the house.

Everything is going to be different now. And Persephone didn't know if it was for the better or the worse.

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