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Persephone couldn't calm her heartbeat down as she walked towards the Burrow. This is the first time Kore has had contact with anyone besides the Jones' and Dumbledore for so long. She missed all her friends dearly. Before Mr. Jones could knock, Ginny opened the door.

"Kore, Dotty!" She brought the two into a tight embrace, not loosening until her mother came through.

"There's my two favorite girls!" Another hug from another Weasley, she soon let go and went to give the Jones' a hug.

Ginny guided the two girls into the Burrow, leading them to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Each dropped what they were doing once they saw her face. They all ran up and engulfed her.

"You had me worried sick, Kore." Hermione said.

Ron let go. "Ditto to that."

They each let go and went over to Dotty but Harry took Persephone into another room. "Dumbledore told me you're basically on high alert." She nodded and sighed. "I'm sorry but hey, at least he's letting you go to Fred and George's new shop." The thought of seeing George made your stomach full with butterflies. "Still fancy him, I see."

Kore playfully punched Harry's arm. "It's a childhood crush, Harry. You and I both know that." Harry and Persephone have been friends since birth, Persephone being only a few weeks older than Harry. Ebony Alderidge and Lily Potter were best of friends since their first year. Kore remembers her mother fighting with her father over the Potters a few times from an early age. Mostly about Harry. "Plus I'm not trying to put any more lives in danger. I'm basically bad luck with legs."

Harry chuckled. "That makes two of us." Shes glad to see him laughing even after the death of Sirius, another friend of Kore's mother. "Now let's go before they leave without us."

The shop looked amazing, especially compared to the depressing street that it was on. All closed or burned, not the Weasley Shop though. She couldn't help but think this was somewhat her fault because she knew her father had something to do with this. But she brushed it off, the feeling of happiness taking over her body while she thought about seeing the twins.

She looked over at Dotty, who seemed nervous. "What's up, Dot?"

Dotty pulled her best friend behind from the group and looked around. "Don't kill me." Kore laughed at her friend. "Fred and I have been talking this entire summer."

"And you didn't tell me!" Kore said a little upset at the secret.

Dotty bit her lip. "We both promised we wouldn't tell. George doesn't even know." Wow, it was secretive. "And it's my first time seeing him, I don't know what to do." Dotty hasn't been in a relationship since Cedric passed. She mourned for almost two years, unable to move on. Thankfully now, she has Fred.

"I'll help you, don't worry." They linked arms. "But you are filling me in on everything once we get on the train." They laughed entering the store. It was buzzing and full of kids from all age groups.

She felt overwhelmed but happy for the boys, their dreams finally coming true. The boys were announcing their products loud and clear for the whole store to hear. She couldn't quite see them but could hear the happiness in their voices. Dotty pulled her further into the store, looking at some items. Her fingers traced each item as she walked by, passing Ginny and Hermione looking at love potions. They stopped at some sort of explosive display, Dotty checking the ingredients to make sure what they were using was safe. Kore looked around at all the kids enjoying themselves greatly, something she hasn't seen in awhile.

Ron walked passed you, an angry expression on his face, making you chuckle lightly. "Kore?" She heard someone call her name in a distance. Her eyes meeting the brown ones of George Weasley. He and Fred wore a cute little suit, looking quite professional. She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him, taking in every bit of him. His smell of smoke and sour candy. "This is quite the surprise." He whispered.

"Come on, mate, don't hog her all to yourself!" You heard Fred exclaim. You hugged the other twin too, both of them feeling like home. "We missed you dearly. George more than me."

George smacked his brother's chest. "What my brother means is, welcome back." Fred's attention was soon caught by Dotty, leaving the two alone. They walked around the store, looking at all the store had to offer.

"George, you have no idea how proud I am! You ad Fred did amazing with this shop!" He blushed, scratching the back of his neck. The Weasley's have always been a safe haven for Kore, George especially. Comforting her in times of need, as best as he could, telling jokes and such. When it was revealed the Dark Lord was back, George rushed to make sure she were safe and okay. Persephone always had a little crush on George since the day she met the Weasley's on the platform. Him helping her pick up her belongings you dropped before rushing onto the train. "I hope you don't mind that I came." She said a little quiet.

"And why would that be?" He gave her a reassuring smile.

"You know, my dad." She stared at her feet. She knew people had been staring at her the moment she walked into this place.

"Hm, I have no idea what you're talking about." He put his finger to his chin. Leave it to George to make her smile it a tough time. "I'm glad your here, your one of the first people I wanted to show the shop to." She tried to hide her blush from the boy who almost towered over her.  He stared at her until Fred and Dotty came up to the two.

"Ready?" Dotty asked. Kore nodded and said her goodbyes to the boys.

"I'll see you soon, yeah?" George asked.

"Of course." She said, tucking a piece of her brown hair behind her ear. She dreaded going back to school but seeing George made that dread fade a little bit.

Fred gave his brother a playful smirk.

"What?" George asked.

"Oh, nothing." He winked.

"Oh, shove it." He rolled his eyes and walked away as his brother made kissing noises at him.

"Mr. and Mrs. Weasley!" He called making his brother hide his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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