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I wake up and I see his face looking at my face. As my eyes open more I see everything more clear. *gasp*
"Oh my gosh R you scared the crap out of me, ugh gosh don't ever do that again".
R walks away and goes down stairs. I hear a noise from down Stairs, so I rush down there.
"R!!!!!! ARE YOU OK"?!
I take the last step, then I turn to look both ways. I see R looking at the portrait of two people holding hands. I mean like I was feeling kind of bad for him what if he still remembers who he loved it who he lost maybe his girlfriend. I walk i to R slowly and put my hand in his shoulder.
"R are you ok"?
r just looks at me and walks out the door. I run to him and I grab his hand. His head turns to look at me. As I say
"I see your growing a smile".
I say as he try's to put his smile down. I let go of his hand and hug him.
"I'll stay with you, YOULL keep me safe, I'll keep you safe".
As I lay my head on his shoulder we hear gun shots at a prison. I walk closer and I turn to R.
"R do you wanna see who's there, maybe there might be people"?!
R:"is that what you want"?
R:"then let's go".
We grab this Nutella bottle that was just laying there, on the way I ate it.
*one hour later, I think*
As we got to the prison we saw many people there over like 27 people.
"R no matter what happens in there I'll be there for you just like you did for me".
R just looks at me and looks and the prison. As someone spotted us this man threaten us to stay back or they will shoot.
the man walks forward to us as he open his gates.
Rick:"how much people have you killed, who's with you?"
shit as I said in my mind
" It's just me and my friend".
Rick:"what's your friends name".
"His name is r".
Rick:"why just R"?
"Oh come on let us in, its just his damn name".
Then man looks at the man with the cross bow. And. Thanks god the man with the cross bow said yes I let us in.
The man opens the gates and we enter the prison.
The man takes us in the prison and me and R see s few of other people there.
Rick:"will you please tell us your name".
"What the hell do you think I'm 9 or something, but anyways I'm lily, and this is R my friend".
Rick:"well nice to meet you, im Rick, this is daryl, Glenn, carl, abruham, Tyrese, Noah, maggie, carol, beth, Judith, Sasha, michonne, and yah they can introduce themeselves.
All of them said hi to me and R a till someone had to ask.
Carl:"is that a walker"?!
"Uhhhh no why would I be friends with a walker I mean he's not a walker".
Carl gave me a disturbed look at me and walked away. BETH walks up to me.
Beth:"it's ok he's like that the first time but when he gets to know you he's way nicer".
"Oh thanks I thought he was those types of people who hate meeting new people".
Beth:"how do you think he met us".
Maggie comes over to Us and joins the conversation.
Maggie:"hey!! I know you might feel uncomfortable but you will get used to it".
I smile and walk away.
R comes up to me and says
R:" do u know everyone here already"?
"No Rick only told me about a few people, but there's only like about 5 more people I don't know, but I'll get to know them".
R kisses me on the cheek. I quickly turn to him and I ask him what was the for?
He responded just in case.

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