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A few days earlier...

Jiro POV.
Me and a small group of friends were walking through the forest,simply out of boredom since we clearly didn't have anything better to do.My father sent us on this pointless mission since we didn't go on any for the past few weeks.For my friends and I this was the most boring thing in the entire universe that we could possibly be doing right now but according to my father it was very important.Important my ass,this was nothing more then an excuse to get us out of his sight.Of course we could always speed things up and finish this much quicker than we are doing it right now just to piss him off but that would also mean that we will have to return sooner,which neither of us wanted.To put it simply hell wasn't the most entertaining place to be at.I mean sure sometimes it could be fun to watch helpless sinners suffer but that gets boring after a while too.And this pitiful excuse of a living environment was at least a little bit more interesting.I never understood the point of this existing anyways but I was somewhat grateful it does,otherwise I would have died out of boredom by now.Being created when the world was meant I got to watch all of the shit go down.And believe me there were a lot of things to see.Humans were helpless but in one way or another interesting creatures,whose existence I also couldn't understand.I could only guess that they were created so that we can watch and laugh at they're stupidity and poor life choices. Most of the time it was truly hilarious to watch them do anything in general.I was getting lost in thoughts but I did manage to noticed the sun was starting to set.I always thought it was one of rare truly beautiful things that could be seen here.The darkness didn't really bother us so we didn't stop walking.I was still amazed that we were walking in silence.Usually Himiko would start a never-ending conversation and we will all join in but this time it was unusually quiet.Not that I was complaining.I always enjoyed some piece and quiet especially since I couldn't get enough of it down there,another reason why I liked Earth.We noticed what seemed to be smoke coming from a campfire somewhere nearby.After a quick discussion,which wasn't really a discussion it was more me just giving orders,we decided to check it out.We lacked entertainment anyways,so why not?But since we were slower then an injured snail by the time we got there the fire was already put out and all of the people were sleeping.I wanted to mess around with our pray before killing them and so did my friends.I purposely stepped on branches and bushes to make sounds.I wanted them to be fully awake and aware that they were in danger.I wanted them to be terrified.What would be the point of killing anyone if they're not aware that they're life is about to end?Exactly,none.After a few minutes I heard movements coming form one of the tents.Whoever was in it was now throwing small rocks at the other two.Eventually they woke up as well an somehow notice what was going on.My plan worked.They were in they're tents,basically paralysed from fear.Hitoshi was standing next to me for a few minutes,waiting for me to tell him our next move.
"Go to the tents that are close to eachother first."I whispered.He nodded slightly and slowly made his way towards them.Both of us knew those idiots must be planning something.He was about an inch away when two of the guys that were in the tents bolted out directly towards him.In a single blink of an eye,they dropped dead on the floor.The third guy ran as fast as he could towards the river,I really didn't care so I just let him escape.I turned to the group that was behind me and we started walking to our destination again.Honestly we could've been there much earlier if we weren't a bunch of lazy idiots.To be fair tho,most people would say that this was a long journey.So by the time the sun was rising on the fourth day we were only a couple of meters away from the big entrance of the kingdom we came to burn.Yeah,"a very important mission" was to burn an already worthless kingdom...
We made our way to the entrance and killed the guards that tryed to confront us,as we didn't want to waste our already wasted time on pointless conversations.We were now inside.There really wasn't much interesting things here so we didn't stay in one place for too long.I knew this place must have at least one dark secret or plan,otherwise it wouldn't have been so important that he said we weren't allowed to leave until only ashes remained.We decided to settle down in a abandoned building.I didn't feel like staying in one place for long so I went for a walk.I decided to check out the castle area.I sneaked passed the guards and started looking around.I was looking at the windows,they were all covered by curtains,all of them except for one.Through the only window that wasn't covered I saw a beautiful girl in a red dress.She was leaning against the glass with a sad expression on her face.I didn't want to risk her seeing me so I hid the whole time I was in her sight.Forget about the sunset or any other beautiful thing on Earth.Because this princess was far more breathing than any of them.She seemed lost in thoughts,only to be snapped back to reality by what I could only assume was a prince.They left the room and I decided to leave too.I went back and while I was walking the only thing that was on my mind was that princess.I couldn't bring myself to take her image out of my head.Her beautiful eyes and hair,oh and the way that dress was showing her gorgeous figure.I didn't even notice how quickly I came back.I was greeted by everyone and we started making plans.We wasted enough time already just to get here so we decided we will burn it tonight.
Eventually the night we were all awaiting finally came and we were ready.While we were walking we inspected the area and found the best spot for the flames to spread faster.Any spot in general could have been good since all of the house were built so close to eachother but we picked the ones that were closer to the castles.Once we got there Dabi set the fire and we watched as it spreaded everywhere.Now we just had to walk around and make sure nothing is left behind.Everything needed to burn.I wasn't really paying attention to the time,I was really just walking without even knowing where I was going.Until I heard sobbing.I turned around and saw parts of two houses collapsed on top of eachother,the sobbing I heard must have been someone traped there.I decided to check since I didn't really have anything better to do.I easily jumped over them and was met with a sight I didn't quite expect to see.The princess I saw earlier today was now on the ground shivering and sobbing,probably thinking this was the end for her.And it would have been if she wasn't so gorgeous to me.I couldn't explain the feeling I got when I saw her again but I knew I couldn't let this be the last time I see her.I made my way through the flames and picked her up.She was unconscious but still alive.I carried her around until I found others.They were all pretty confused but I quickly explained it to them and they said that they were okay with me keeping her.A couple of hours passed and we left since our mission was complete.We didn't wanna go back so I asked father if we could stay a bit longer.He said yes,so we were more than happy.We stopped fucking around and traveled much faster now.After a few minutes we found a town so we decided to stay.We found an abandoned bar but this time we transformed it so it fit our needs because we didn't plan on coming back anytime soon.Unless we got ordered to.The reformation was done and I put the princess in what was detected to be my new room.She had a couple of bruises so I bandaged them up.She was still asleep and she was adorable.I decided to get some food and water for when she wakes up so I left the room for a couple of minutes.On my way back I stopped right outside of the door once I heard her move around the bed.Good,she was finally awake.I opened the door and we locked eyes.She was even more beautiful like this.I put the things I brought on the bedside table and set at the end of the bed.There was nothing but silence between us until she decided to break it with a simple question.
"Who are you?"she asked.I looked at her and smirked under the "mask".

"I'm Jiro.Kyoka Jiro.~"

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