What Are You Doing Here?

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『 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓪 𝓜𝓬𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥 』

I woke up to a beeping noises. 

Oh Styx  

what happened Is everyone okay?

"Neptune is after Jupiter Leo." I mumbled. 

Ugh, my head hurts. 

Scratch that, my whole body does.

"Marissa?" said a voice. 


 "Come on Marissa, you can do it. You can not leave me." he said. For some reason his worry caused butterflies in my stomach. 

 "OK, um, I'm not good with this stuff but, get up very, very, slowly." I followed his instructions, and got up very, very slowly, adjusting my back on a pillow. I rubbed my temples. 

 Eyes, I instruct you to open. 

Okay plan B.


 I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was blue walls. "Where am I?" I said groggily. "Posieden cabin. The girls in the Aphrodite cabin are way too giddy, so we brought you here." 

"Oh" I muttered.

 "Wait." Percy said as if remembering something.

 "WILLIAM ANDREW SOLACE! COME HERE RIGHT NOW! SHE'S AWAKE!" he said, with a somewhat tone of relief in his voice. 

Percy ran out of the room, still calling Will.

That idiot. 

 I looked around. On my bed was a pack of blue cookies. 

Wait, is this Percy's bed. 


There was another bed, on which a Cyclops was sitting on. 


Do I want to know??


 The cyclops turned around. 

 "HI HI!" he squealed. He sounded like a toddler. 

AWWWW He's adorable. 

 "Hi." I said. 

He turned back to his book, which had a little picture of a cyclops on it. 

 "What's your name."

 "My name is Tyson, Percy is my  brother." 

 "Oh, ok." That was probably because cyclops are Posieden's children. 

 "MARISSA!" I jumped.

 Piper rushed into the room. "YOU HAVE BEEN OUT FOR 3 DAYS! ARE YOU OK?" 

 "Piper, calm down, you're going speed up her heartbeats and make her blood pump faster and then she'll hypervenilate-" 

 "We get it, Will." she said, cutting him off. 

Woah, everyone was here. 

 "Oh, and Percy's wouldn't leave you for 3 days straight." said Annabeth. 

Percy turned red. I felt my cheeks warming up.


Was I blushing?

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