Ground work vs straightness training

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These are just some notes I brainstormed with my trainer that I do ST and NH with! Feel free to read through. They're for my article. 

A way to warm up the horse

Groundwork is maneuvers or exercises to understand how to move their feet

Backing, sideways, friendly game, lateral.

Exercises we do to make sure the horse can move its feet when we're riding

Help to train the horse in a manner so they are easier to ride

Create a communication system so the horse understands how we want it to move

Building communication with your horse and using exercises to accomplish it

Explaining we work horses from the ground, walking beside the horse

Groundwork and straightness training are done next to the horse on the ground vs riding

They're both exercises on the ground

Natural horsemanship - similarities

Similarities - much easier to teach horse to back up while on the ground, thinking way of training, build communication and keeping the rider safe, rock back on all fours, horse on hind end not running into you.

Seperate - natural horsemanship, people aren't paying attention to balance, classical ST is all about the horse being in balance, applying aids and pressure, two different systems, applied pressure to get them to do something, classical St teaches when to apply pressure to stay in balance, groundwork can get intense, hierarchy, leader is dominant, NH is about a leader, safety issue, horse can get scared unless we establish ourself as a leader, ST is precision of applying the pressure, half halt is pressure we put on the lead line or reins as a foot is stepping on the ground to hold it there and stay in balance, circle to the left apply pressure when outside foot is stepping onto the ground to balance the weight from left to right, ST stresses the importance of physical balance so the horse can relax and be safe to ride, bending to control is apart of NH and ST for controlling due to safety reasons, NH doesn't pay attention to keeping the horse in balance which can cause injury, all of this is done to lead to riding eventually. 


Natural horsemanship is groundwork

Refined groundwork

Timed cues but on the ground and in the saddle

When and where to apply the pressure

Certain cue with a certain leg

Groundwork can help but also ruin

Straightness can help the horse

Precision of aids

Learn by consistency and release of an aid

Teaching the horse and rider how to stay in the balance together

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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