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July 31st, 1981

It was the twins first birthday. Nobody knew Lily and James had twins except the two godfathers, Sirius and Remus. Not even Dumbledore knew. Sirius was the boys godfather, godfather of Harry James Potter. Remus was the girls godfather, godfather of Amelia Jane Potter. The twins zoomed around on the toy broomsticks Sirius and Remus had gotten them. Lily and James wished more people could come to celebrate, but they were supposed to be in hiding, and nobody knew she had twins. Sirius and Remus would do, the twins loved them anyways.

October 31st 1981

James woke up with a strange feeling of paranoia. Maybe it's nothing, he thought and brushed it away, but the feeling never went away. As the day grew on, he grew more and more anxious, looking over his shoulder and double locking every door. Lily was feeding the twins dinner when it happened. Voldemort burst through the door ready to kill. Their secret keeper had given away their location.

"Lily take the babies and go! I'll hold him off" James shouted.

Lily ran upstairs to protect the babies before realizing she was now trapped. She heard James scream and knew he was dead. Tears were in her eyes and she quickly hid Amelia in the closet. She was about to hide Harry when she heard footsteps on the staircase. He was close. She had just opened the door to James' closet when he walked in.

"Hello Lily," Voldemort hissed in his creepy snakish voice. "It really is a shame I have to kill you tonight, and your poor little son too. There's two cribs I see. Are you expecting?

'Crap she already saw Harry' she thought as she set him in his crib and moved to protect him with her body. 'At least he didn't know about Amelia.' "Yes I'm expecting" Lily said in a small voice praying he wouldn't find Mia. (Amelia's nickname)

"Oh, double shame then. Or not. I'm happy to kill all of you. Avada Kedavra" he hissed.

Lily screamed Harry's name one last time before she fell to the floor.

Snape found the twins later. He walked into the room sobbing over Lily's dead body for what felt like hours. Dumbledore found them and insisted it was time to go. He grabbed Harry and started to leave when he realized Severus wasn't coming with him. Mourning over Lily he assumed. Dumbledore left him in peace and brought Harry over to Hagrid to go to the Dursleys.

After a while he got up and looked around the room. Snape heard a sound come from the left closet. Lily's closet. Drawing his wand he burst open the door to see another baby.

"What in the name of Merlin's beard is this thing doing in here" he looked around. It explained the two cribs and the two sets of everything. The baby looked like Lily, he thought, with her same sparkling green eyes and alluring smile. Snape wondered if Dumbledore knew about this baby. He probably would have taken her with Harry if he did.

'I want to keep this baby, because it reminds me of Lily. Raise her as my own.' he thought. Dumbledore probably wouldn't let him but it was worth a shot. Snape summoned him with his patrounus and waited for him to come back.

"What is it Severus, I'm supposed to be dropping Har- what it that?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'm not sure, i think Lily had twins." Snape responded, sounding nervous because he knew Dumbledore wasn't gonna let him keep her.

"Well i can look into her memories at the pensive to be sure. We'll have to find a home, the Dursleys will not take her as well as Harry. "

"I was thinking i could take care of her. Raise her and everything. For Lily." Snape suggested, praying Dumbledore would be ok with it.

He pondered that for a while. There was no place for her to go. Nobody would take her either. "Ok." he said at last. "You can raise her. But no one can know that she is Potter. We don't know what can happen. It safer that way."


Sooo yeah here's the first "chapter"

I'm really only writing this for myself but yeah thanks for reading it :))

I feel like its long I have no idea what the normal wattpad chapter lengths are

I think its ok

~Sienna <33

A/N: how does this have 4 views when i literally only gave the story to one person- 

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