The Train

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"Mum look I got my Hogwarts letter!" Amelia called out to her mum as their owl flew through the window. She had been adopted into this muggle family when she was a year and a half. They already knew about Hogwarts and magic because the older sister Sandra was a watch as well and was in her 3rd year at Hogwarts.

"That's great sweetie, it came with the list of things you need right?" Her mum replied. She hoped Sandra would know where to get everything because they couldn't get into Diagon Alley.

"Yes mum, I'll have Sandra take me to get everything this weekend."

Amelia was excited. She finally got to go to Hogwarts! She heard all of Sandra's stories and couldn't wait to get there.

September 1st, 1991

"I can't believe I'm finally going here!" Amelia exclaimed as her and her family walked to Platform 9¾. "I'm going to miss you," she said as she hugged her mom. "Promise you'll write everyday?"

"Ahh, you'll get sick of us soon." Amelia's dad said jokingly as he gave her a hug.

"Never." Amelia said back.

She would miss her parents, they couldn't come onto the platform to say goodbye since they were muggles.

"Bye!!" Amelia and Sandra called as they ran through to the other side of the platform.

"Ok, I'm going to sit with my friends, are you good? You can find a place to sit and everything?" Sandra asked. It was her responsibility to watch over Amelia.

"Yes Sandra I'm completely fine on my own." she tsked.

As she loaded her trunk onto the train she wondered where she would sit. There wasn't much of an option as there was only one open compartment left, only a boy with black hair and bright green eyes was sitting there. Just like hers, Amelia thought. They looked strikingly similar, which was strange.

"Hi, can I sit here, the rest of the trains' full." Amelia asked the boy, who was staring off into space.

"Umm, sure, of course" he said nervously.

Right as Amelia sat down, a red haired boy with lots of freckles walked into a compartment and asked if he could sit as well.

"Of course," the black haired boy said again.

"I'm Ron, Ron Weasley." the red haired boy said to us holding his hand out to shake.

I shook his hand and introduced myself as well. "Hi, I'm Amelia, Amelia Johnson." she said.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." the black haired boy said.

"Are you two related? You look very alike?" Ron asked.

"No, we actually just met like 5 seconds ago." Harry replied looking at Amelia curiously.

The rest happened like it did in the book, you know how the train went, just imagine it with Amelia there as well.


I'm sorryyy I know its like really boring right now but its gets better I promise

Thanks for reading anyways :))

~Sienna <33

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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