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January, 1882

Living with the Snapes hadn't been as great as Snape and Dumbledore were thinking. For the first 3 months it was fine. She reminded Snape of Lily and she was adorable. When she was around a year and a half old strange things started happening. She was way stronger than a normal human toddler. Her eyes would flash red and things would mover around the room. It became too much for Snape to handle and he summoned Dumbledore.

"Yes Serverus why have I been summoned? Is something up with Amelia?" Dumbledore said the moment he arrived. He could sense something was off with her.

"Yes actually." Snape responded. "Something is off about her. She has powers that I've never seen before. I have no idea what to do with her."

"Hmm. It seems she is special. Much like her brother I assume. Maybe we should put her in a muggle home. Her powers would go away since she would be around muggles. They might disappear altogether which would be even better." Dumbledore said.

"Yes, I think that is best for her." Snape responded.

They put her in an adoption agency and she was adopted into a muggle family within 2 weeks. Dumbledore kept a close watch on her for a couple years, waiting to see if her powers returned, even at the slightest. They never did so he stop watching her, almost forgetting she existed.


Sorry I know its really short but there's' gonna be a big time jump from now to when she gets her Hogwarts letter in the next chapter so I figured I should chop it off here

Thanks for reading :))

~Sienna <33

Amelia Potter The Missing TwinWhere stories live. Discover now