Abandon Plans, Promises

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Riled up for nothing, she said; he would personally kick the Dragonborn's ass for saying that even if they both died in the coming fight. All her complaining about overly preparing, and look where it got them! Dragon after dragon poured into the city, flying over and around Dragonsreach, some just stopping to spit fire or frost over the Porch. Ulfric and Lydia ducked behind the wall to keep out of the spray. Ulfric pulled his shield over the Dragonborn. Her breathing hadn't let up, even after Lydia forced half a potion down her throat.

"Hold steady!" Balgruuf yelled over the chaos.

"Kolos hii, Dovahkiin?" (Where are you, Dovahkiin?") Odahviing taunted, creeping up to the edge of the roof so that Ulfric could only see his head and neck towering over the palace, carefully out of range of the archers. Gods, he was massive.

Huge golden eyes scanned the balcony, landing on the trio hiding behind the wall. Ulfric could've sworn Odahviing chuckled as he stood, fists clenched, sword drawn. "Fus, ro dah!"

Ulfric liked to think he did Kynareth proud with that Shout. Odahviing was flung back out of sight. A loud crash sounded even over the multitude of roars coming from all directions. Ulfric flung Lydia's shield away and helped her hoist up the Dragonborn and pull her inside the balcony. Farengar rushed over, two scrolls already out, nearly falling over as Dragonsreach shook with Odahviing's roar.

"Hin Thu'um nid ronit dii!" (Your Thu'um is no match for mine!) He soared back into view, hovering over the balcony. "Fus, ro DAH!"

Ulfric's feet disappeared beneath him and he hit the ground hard, his armor scraping against the old stones before finally catching. An arrow flew from behind him and caught Odahviing in the neck, more pierced through his wings from the archers on the promenade; they hadn't been caught in the Shout. Odahviing didn't flinch otherwise.

He pushed himself up, thanking the gods he had kept a hold of his sword, and ran forwards. Ulfric had been pushed past the great chains.

Odahviing landed on the balcony wall, ignoring arrow after arrow that either bounced off his face or punctured a wing.

Kriivaalneh, Yahgrahviin, krii joor fah zu'u. Daar Dovahkiin balaan nid tiidi." (Kriivaalneh, Yahgrahviin, kill the mortals for me. This Dovahkiin is hardly worth my time.) He chuckled and few off just as Ulfric reached him. Ulfric swung his sword and connected with nothing but air.

"Fus, ro dah!" Ulfric Shouted again, barely catching Odahviing in his tail. Still, it stumbled him in flight enough for more arrows to pierce through his wings.

Two dragons, gold and bronze scales almost blinding in the late morning sun, took his place as Odahviing flew out of sight over Whiterun. They circled once, twice, deftly dodging most arrows aimed their way with dexterity the larger dragon lacked. Ulfric backed up one step at a time, never dropping his guard, until he stood just outside of the roof. Balgruuf and Irileth stood just barely behind him. "I hope you have a plan," Balgruuf said, his helmet missing, his battlehorn crushed at his waist. All good humor that painted his face a few minutes ago had been replaced with deep worry.

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