
695 10 1

Word Count: 6.4k

Summary: Harry and Y/N go on their babymoon. Smut warning.

"Oh my god," Y/N huffed as she collapsed on the plush sofa in the living room of the cottage.

"It feels so fucking good out here by the water."

"Breeze is nice, innit?" Harry replied as he rummaged through the kitchen cabinets to check out how well the place he'd rented for the week was stocked.

"Beats going t' France at the end of June. Think I'm kinda gettin' tired of Paris t' be honest."

"That is quite possibly the snobbiest thing I've ever heard you say, Mr. Styles," she said with a laugh as she began to flip through the tourist brochures that were left on the coffee table.

Not that they'd be partaking in any of it, no. Their plan was to hole up in the quaint, Scottish cottage that sat right on the coast of the North Sea for the whole week, not even planning on changing out of their pajamas.

It was their babymoon after all - a time of peace and tranquility before the arrival of their first child together.

Harry hummed and he made his way from the kitchen to where Y/N was seated on the couch. He stood behind her, knees knocking against the back of the sofa as he crouched down and wrapped his arms around her very large, very swollen belly.

"If I recall correctly, Mrs. Styles, I sat my injured arse in a stiff train seat to Edinburgh for five hours because someone was too scared to fly even though they were cleared to do so by three separate doctors."

"'M not Mrs. Styles for another year and a half," Y/N muttered under her breath, albeit not trying to keep Harry from hearing it in the slightest.

Harry snickered into her neck, then playfully nipped her earlobe with his teeth as he whispered.

"Not my fault yeh got knocked up and we had t' push the wedding."

"It is very much your fault, Harry," Y/N swatted at his face, fingers first brushing his jawline that was covered in a rough stubble and then just barely tracing the full-blown mustache that sat like a caterpillar above his bright pink top lip.

Harry smirked down at her, nostrils flaring wide and lips disappearing inside of his mouth.

"How's your rib?" Y/N asked suddenly.

"Good. Why?" Harry's brows quickly furrowed together in confusion as to why she was asking about his injury.

"Might have to ride that later if you've got the lungs for it," she tapped her index and middle fingers along her philtrum, right where Harry's mustache sat on his own face.

Her blunt lewdness had Harry's cock immediately growing stiff in his pants. It had been a while. His injury coupled with her being in the last trimester of her pregnancy had left them both feeling unsatisfied for the past several weeks. Maybe this babymoon would prove to be relaxing not only because Harry and Y/N get to spend a week without a rambunctious almost six-year-old screaming at all hours of the day, but for other reasons too.

"Think I'd actually drop dead from happiness if yeh sat on m' face right now, lovie. But, before yeh get too comfortable with that idea, we need t' head into town. Kitchen's only got the necessities, and I doubt yeh want t' eat homemade bread for a week."

"I'm sure you'd love to eat homemade bread for a week," Y/N jested, poking fun at Harry's latest obsession with the carb-filled food.

"Remind me again why I put up with you?" Harry toyed as he extended his arms out towards Y/N to use as leverage to help her hoist herself up from the couch.

Ma Petite Chérie {dad!Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now