Christmas Now

715 14 1

Word Count: 3.7k

Summary: Their first Christmas as a family of four. Underwhelming gifts, naughty kitchen counter shenanigans, being suspicious of Santa Claus, baby kissies, oat milk.

Author's Note: Baby bub is here! I've been so excited to finally be able to write about them, and I'm even more excited that you all get to read about them! This is the second part of my Christmas bits for this year. Unlike the last one, this one is obnoxiously adorable and no where near as upsetting (I really hurt my own feelings with that one). Feedback of any kind is always greatly appreciated! If you don't see me before the year is up, I want to wish you a Happy New Year! Enjoy, take care, and tpwk.


"No. One."




"Now that's just bein' greedy," Harry spoke in a wounded tone with his brows furrowed together as if he were genuinely offended.

"But if Santa's coming tonight and bringing more presents, why can't I open these ones right now?"

Tallulah was on her knees in front of the sofa, fingers laced together with her chin resting on top of them. She was quite literally begging her father, who sat above her with one leg crossed over the other and an arm slung around his wife, to allow her to open the gifts that were prematurely nestled underneath the festive fir tree in their living room. Well, they weren't married yet, but Harry couldn't help that he preferred how the word felt rolling off of his tongue than "fiance."

"Because they're Christmas presents," he stressed.

"Makes no sense t' open them the day before."

His freshly six-year-old daughter clearly didn't like that answer - the pouty jut on her lip and subsequent huff told Harry all he needed to know.

"I already told ya, sweet pea. You can open one tonight. That's it. The rest are for tomorrow."

"Fiiiiiine," the small girl said, although it was implied in her tone that it very much was not.

Tallulah hobbled over to the tree whilst still on her knees, and began riffling through the small litter of perfectly wrapped boxes to inspect which one would elicit the most satisfaction on her end. She seemed keen on a rather large one, decorated with tartan print and a red gift tag that read, "To: Lulah, From: Daddy & Mummy." What she hadn't realized, though, was that Harry had already made the selection for her.

"Not tha' one," Harry reprimanded over the steaming mug of coffee in the hand that wasn't rubbing circles on Y/N's shoulder.

He typically strayed away from caffeine this late in the evening, but he knew he was in for a long night of waiting up until Tallulah was fast asleep so he could take on the role of Santa and deliver all of the gifts he had promised her for being good enough to make an appearance on the Nice List. Knowing how much shit he had packed in his office that stayed locked this time of year, he really wasn't sure how he was going to do it successfully.

Another exasperated sigh left his eldest child's lips, to which she replied, "But this one's the biggest."

"But it's not the one we want yeh t' open, Lulah. 'S the one with polar bears on it," Harry stated, though not with full confidence.

"It is the one with polar bears on it, right?" he whispered to Y/N.

This earned a laugh from Y/N, who muttered a quiet, "Yes," in return. She laid her head in the crook of Harry's neck, basking in the warmth that radiated from his body. He smelled like cinnamon and the nutmeg-flavored coffee beans he'd ground up just a few minutes before, and maybe a hint like baby barf.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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