15: Epilogue part 1

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Holy shit???

So I go on here like, what? Two, three days ago? And 14 has like, 14 reads or something and then tonight I go on and it's like fiftyfuckingseven?????? You people are insane! I love everysinglefuckingoneofyou!!

So, as promised (maybe a little late, I apologize) here is the first part to the epilogue. I love it. I hope you do too???

Ya'll are great, amazing, beautiful beautiful souls and I cannot fathom how much support this kind of shitty piece of writing has gotten because of you all oh my god I'm gonna cry let's not do that...

Instead vote and share? What the hell, for the second part? Remember, 20 reads or 5 votes (seems easy enough ???????!!!!!!!!!!)

So, thank you all again and to ease (maybe) your pain I shall give you this sweet (I thinkkkk) beauty that is the epilogue, thank you all so much for reading, and I truly hope you enjoy.

~Stephanie ;)

Today? Today is a good day.

Sasuke is back. The war ended. Everyone is okay now, minus the dead. They're honored, mourned, added to a long list on the K.I.A stone. I can't believe my name used to be on there.

But today is also a bad day, really. Not quite bad, just...sad. It's a sad day. It's the middle of the summer, now, Sasuke has been back for a couple of months. But he's going out on the road again soon, and I intend to join him.

The war has been done for a very long time, and all the nations are complete. Happy. Not too much crime, with the occasional bad guy that the sixth Hokage has been able to defeat. He may no longer be at his prime, but Uncle Kakashi can really do some damage.

Today. Today Naruto, Sasuke, and I are finally in the village together again. Today, our other friends are close. Today, we all lost something.

Sasuke was more of an Uchiha than me. He had grown up with them, while I had grown up with my Aunt Rena, and who, before Naruto convinced me that revenge was not the answer, I killed for taking me away from my family. My sister.

But today I don't mourn her. Today, I am as much of an Uchiha as I'll ever be. Today, being an Uchiha doesn't matter.

"Hey! Kiuya!" I turn my head and smile. Naruto- he's like the sun. Annoying if he gets too close and constant, but great to have around. And bright. I can see him being the Hokage. I know he will.

"Hey, Naruto." I yell back, lazily waving a hand at him, with the other in my pocket. I didn't really bother to get dressed today. This is the one day I allow myself to not do anything, the one day I allow myself to hurt so much to the point of not functioning.

"Where's Sasuke? He's usually never late!" I shrug as he slows his pace, standing in front of me. My hair's messy today, it reaches to my jawline, and I haven't bothered to bathe. I started to grow it out when I was maybe ten.

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