5.2 / Rivas

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That night, or better said morning, you slept like a baby. You woke up around noon, not really knowing what to do next, but your body was firmly deciding on that: you needed to pee. Badly. And you only knew the bathroom that was near the party area, since that was the only one you had used, but it was far away and you didn't want to risk meeting anyone before you were able to pee. And brush your... fuck, you had no toothbrush with you.

And that's when you noticed a little box without a lid on your dresser. You looked in it, and sure enough there was a small, brand new toothbrush there and a few other small toiletries, even including a couple of tampons. Were these guys the absolute best or not?

You grabbed what you needed and decided to look for the bathroom. There should be one close. And indeed you quickly saw a door with a cute bathroom sign on it. Cautiously, you knocked gently on it.

And it opened.

Into a scene where both Blas and Dani were by the sink, one brushing his teeth and the other one (I'll let you guess which), fixing his hair. They were both wearing nothing but towels around their waists, and it was clear they had just showered.


Your eyes grew so much you felt like you had started to resemble a frog. Besides the realization of what you were looking at, they were both so hot in their little white towels your head was spinning.

"Uhh... sorry, I was..."

"We'll be done in a minute if you can wait", said Blas. "If not, there's another smaller bathroom three doors down that way."

"Thanks, it's kinda urgent, haha", you said and rushed to the other bathroom, still trying to assimilate and process what you had just seen, and trying to stop your blood from racing like that. Yes you didn't actually see them showering together (what a shame!), but it was obvious they had, plus the butt slap from earlier... they could simply not deny it anymore!

Once you were done in the bathroom, you went to your room to change, and then headed for the kitchen, which you assumed would be the meeting point, and you found everyone there except for Daira.

"Oh, she sleeps a LOT", explained Blas laughing. "Let's have some breakfast, no? We can easily die of hunger before Daira wakes up, haha."

He got up and Bruno joined him to prepare breakfast.

"Need help?"

"Noo Tilly, thanks a lot! But you can make yourself a coffee if you want", he replied and showed you where the coffee maker was.

"Does anyone else want coffee?" you asked.

"I'd have some", said Bruno.

"Cool, I'll make for both of us then."

15 minutes later, after watching him prepare breakfast with Bruno, while occasionally singing bits and pieces of random songs, you were all sitting around the table and enjoying a delicious breakfast, and you still couldn't believe it was you, there, in Blas' house, having slept there, and eating the breakfast he prepared.

When you were done, Bruno and Carlos went back to their room, Dani went outside to feed the dogs and rake the leaves in the garden, while you and Blas moved to the living room couch.

Your tongue was itching to bring up the subject. And thankfully, Blas was a "virgin" to your endless questions about it.

"Sorry for this morning, haha", you said awkwkardly.

"What? Noo, what's there to be sorry about, it's not like you barged in or anything, was it? And we were already out of the shower, after all."

"You... showered together?" you asked, pretending it was the first time the thought ever crossed your mind.

"Yeah," responded Blas serenely, without any sign of reaction on his face.

"So... it's true that the two of you are together?" you felt confident enough to ask innocently, seeing as you could consider yourself a friend of theirs by now, but you still added cautiously: "... if you're comfortable sharing stuff like that with me, of course."

"Ohh, I don't mind sharing stuff like that at all, but we're not, we're just very good friends."

"Who shower together," you laughed.

"We try to do our best to be environmentally friendly, and if there's any reasonable way to save water, we do it."

"And... what about that pool in your garden?" you replied in your head, with irony.

"Besides, we've been close friends for a very long time; there's nothing new for us to see in the shower, haha."

"Well, hmm, I guess that makes sense," you replied, mostly because you didn't want to disagree with him on such a personal matter.

"How much longer are you in Madrid? We should hang out again while you're here. You NEED to taste my famous lentejas, haha!"

"Aww, I would LOVE to, haha! I'm here until Wednesday, and then it's back to my boring country."

"Why is it boring?"

"Because you're not there?" you pouted.

"Awww," he replied, replicating your pout and plunging onto you to give you a hug. "We can keep in touch. And you will come back soon, won't you?"

"I'll try my best. But I'll miss you so much!"

He took your face into his palms and looked you straight in the eyes:

"My dear, so will we!"

And he placed a slow, soft and warm kiss on your lips.

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