Chapter 7 - gabriel

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What the fuck happened tonight? It went from a very sexy night to taking a female home, but not in the way I'd ever hope.

As soon as we had gotten to the condo, I sent Jace to his room like a child to avoid getting pissed off at him while I put Sloane on the couch in the living room. I took off her heels, placing them on the floor in front of the couch, and pulled a warm, fuzzy blanket over her. I didn't want to do much to her while she was unconscious so I left the paint in it's place and left the dried blood by her eyebrow alone. It seems she had gotten kicked a couple times while on the floor, not surprising so there were a couple red marks on her legs and arms in addition to the little cut above her eyebrow. But fuck if she didn't still look beautiful. In the meantime I decided to go wash up and change into something that would cover more skin.

I slipped into the shower, moving quickly so I'd be back in the living room before Sloane woke so she wouldn't freak out in a strange home. It wasn't until I wrapped a towel around my waist that I heard little shuffles from outside the bathroom door.

Not even taking a second to recognize my current state, I opened the bathroom door and came face to face with a very confused, wide-eyed Sloane. I noticed her gave travel from my eyes down my body as her cheeks started to turn red. I had wet hair still, pushed back from washing, and my bare chest was covered in water trails from not yet being dried.

"Oh! I am so sorry," she started, "I am just going to go wait out-"

I grabbed her wrist before she could turn away completely and pulled her towards me, probably harder than I should've. "It's okay, Sloane. Stay here and I'll grab clothes and get dressed in the bathroom," I said while using my thumb to stroke her cheek. I gestured for her to sit on my bed while I went over to the dresser to grab boxers, a plain white t-shirt, and pants. I felt her gaze burning into my back the entire time, but when I turned back to look at her, she flickered her gaze to something else in the room.

I turned back and walked into the bathroom, a grin plastered on my face and I shook my head. Making sure the door was shut completely, I dressed and combed through my hair before letting it do whatever it wanted. I have to admit I'm extremely intrigued by Sloane. She's beautiful as hell with a fire personality, well what I've seen at least, but I can tell there's a wall. She's trying to keep me out. But I need to know more.  With a sense of

I walked into my room and discovered it was empty, the female in the little green dress gone. Fingers crossed as I walked into the living room and there she was sitting on the couch with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders. I rubbed the tiny bit of stubble on my chin and furrowed my brows while I watched her. I cleared my throat to prevent scaring her since she was facing away from me. "Do you uh, do you want to take a shower to wash all the paint off? I can grab you some clothes to change into if you want?"

She hesitated. She opened her mouth several times but each time was the same as the last, pure silence. I'd say a good two minutes of her just staring at me before she finally agreed on showering. At this point it was nearing 2am and honestly, I was fucking exhausted. But the task at hand was making sure Sloane was safe, warm, and comfortable. I ushered her to the shower, showing her where the towels were and how to turn on the shower. Most people assume everybody knows how to turn on a shower; those people would be wrong. Some are way out there and take several minutes of thinking to figure out, like hotel showers.

I left her alone in the bathroom while I went to Jace's room to grab a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. He's a little bit shorter than me, and roughly the same height as her so I figured they would probably fit better. As for undergarments, I shrugged to myself. We don't have girl clothing items here because neither of us has had time for a girlfriend or even a one night. But I waited in my room until I heard the water turn off before I knocked on the door and watched it crack open. "Here are some clothes, Sloane. They're Jace's so they should fit better than mine would," I told her as I handed her the clothes through the small crack. I didn't hear a reply, but she took the clothes from my hand and shut the door again.

I sat on my bed and twiddled my thumbs before deciding to go make a mug of hot cocoa for Sloane to ease her down from the nerves I could feel radiating off her every time I was in close contact. I even added the cute little mini marshmallows that every person loves in their cocoa.

I heard the faint footsteps as she approached the sounds coming from the kitchen before seeing her. "I, uh, left the towel in the laundry basket in the bathroom. I also stole a small bandaid," she said motioning to the cut above her brow. I offered a small smile to her before offering up the mug I'd made her. "Th-thanks," she stuttered out, "you didn't have to do that. I appreciate it though." She blew lightly down into the mug to cool off before taking a sip.

I noticed a little bit of the hot drink has clung to her upper lip so I walked over cautiously and raised my thumb to wipe off her lip. She stared back at me, eyes gaping open and lips parted as I drew my thumb back to my mouth to lick off the small amount. Well damn, even that made me hot. "Sorry," I said looking back at her. We were still mere inches apart, her breath fanning on my lips as mine did to hers. My thoughts began to race as my eyes flickered down at her lips every couple of seconds.

Do I kiss her? Now really isn't an appropriate time but fuck she looks delicious. Okay, I'm going to do it.

Just as I was about to lean in more to press my lips to hers, she took a step back and looked down into the mug before bringing it back to her mouth. I let out a sigh which led to her eyebrows raising as she looked up at me with the mug still at her mouth. Then I watched her smirk at me as soon as the mug came down from her lips. She's playing me... holy shit! "So, Sloane I figured you could sleep on the couch in the living room and if you need anything you know where my room is and Jace's room is just down the other hall. Sound good to you?" My eyebrows quirked up as I waited for a response.

She set the mug onto the counter next to the sink and tilted her head to look at me, smirk still present on her lips. "Actually Gabriel," she started, raising goosebumps on my skin from the way she said my name, "I was thinking I could sleep in your bed, with you." I noticed her smirk fade as she finished her sentence, but my eyes remained wide as she emphasized sleeping with me in my bed. I looked in her eyes for any hint of lust or sarcasm and found none.

"What do you mean 'with me'? If you want my bed, I can sleep on the couch. It's really-," she stopped me. Her hand went up in my face as she began, "No, Gabe, that's not-," but she hesitated to finish her sentence.

I watched her take a deep breath and turn away from me. Where did the suddenly confident woman go who just played me? Still turned away, "I just need to feel safe. I just want to sleep next to somebody, anybody who can make me feel safe." I could hear the desperation and exhaustion in her voice. "P-Please Gabe, please. I know we don't even know each other, but I-I need you to feel sorry for me for five seconds," she said before turning to look back at me. Tears lined her eyes as I walked towards her, grabbed her hand, and pulled her to my room.

I gestured to my bed with our hands still locked together before I turned a little to turn off the bedroom light. She let go of my hand and sat quickly on the edge of my bed on one sided while I walked into the bathroom to pee once more before laying down. I decided to leave the bathroom light on, but leave the door cracked open a little so some light poured into the room.

When I walked back into my room, I noticed Sloane was laying on her side, with her back to me, curled into a tight ball. I could hear the deep breaths coming from her mouth so I quickly walked back over to my bed and climbed in next to her. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate but I decided to be the big spoon and pulled her into me. I left my arm draped over her waist while she laid her head on my other arm, which was extended over her pillow. She grabbed the hand I had draped over her and laced our fingers together. I let her tangle her legs with mine, thought we were both wearing pants since I didn't think it would be right to only wear boxers with her. However, in her tangling her legs, she managed to brush her ass over my groin. I heard a whispered 'sorry' as my dick began to awaken some.

I didn't respond to her words. I would take the blue balls if it meant she was comfortable. I simply left a small peck on the back of her neck where her hair was absent. "Goodnight beautiful. I'm here if you need me," was all I said to her before shutting my eyes.

I don't know if I was just that tired, but I started to slip into sleep within a minute of closing my eyes. I could've swore I heard her respond, "'night Gabe. Thanks for being my knight tonight." But who the fuck knows besides her, right? Those were my last thoughts before the darkness took me.

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