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I saw unni entering a place called Sooni Hawaii to my surprise Soon-hee unnie was also there ,they look so happy together she even gifted her something .

I am hurt seeing Unnie so close with her it should be me in her place ,she forgot me tears were rolling from my eyes.

I received a text from unknown number "Run over here right now" ,I replied as why should I ? Who the hell are you ?

I told you to wait in my cabin till I finish my surgery and I am your senior this is how you treat your senior ,Run and report to me immediately .I am screwed was my only thought and I ran to hospital.

I am standing outside Yoon do room bit nervous to enter ,I knocked and heard come in from other end .When I entered I could feel the tension inside the room,I stood behind Unnie and Yoon do was half sitting in table facing us.

He mocked unnie regarding surgery ,he is not happy with Unnie leading the surgery without his permission,he is very harsh with his choice of words ,I don't like him he told that unnie did this surgery just to show off ,he will arrange a conference "If you did the surgery even though there was enough time to wait ,you will have to take responsibility ".

I shouted Whaaaat ,at this point he never acknowledged my presence but now I am done ,his gaze was now on me but Unnie interrupted him "If its decided that there was no choice but to do an emergency operation then you have to apologize to me " she said with confidence.I felt like Woooowww .

I just blurted that it is great ,Dr.yoon do glared at me ,seeing the way you both acting towards me it seems like you have no intention of becoming a staff member here,I asked are you threatening us ?

I am done with him "this surgery is necessary and we did lets talk about this after the meeting if you are wrong ready to apologize Dr.Yoon."

The door opened with a female voice asking why the door is unlocked ,We both said we will meet him tomorrow and I exited first followed by Unnie but I suddenly heard the female asking unnie whether we have met somewhere before. I ignored and left the place.

Hye Jung POV

I met my best friend at Sooni Hawaii ,I live with her after losing everyone I love only family I have now is her .

We were enjoying our time when I got text from Dr.Yoon to run over here right now.

I reached hospital and knocked his office door ,when I entered he was silent from his face I can tell he is pissed off .

He started questioning me that why I did the surgery .

Going into the emergency dep on the first day of work is somewhat ceremonial for me ,its something that I usually do.There is no time to wait you will know if you look at the records.

He smiled you did to show off right .Lets see it at the conference whether it was because you really needed to perform an emergency surgery or if you just showing off .

At the moment there was knock on the door ,the doctor who performed along with me too entered she stood behind me silently .She looks very familiar .

He told us to take responsibility and the female doctor suddenly shouted Whaaat and yoon do gaze fell on her and I felt that Yoon do will attack the doctor with his harsh words so I spoke If he was proven wrong he must apologize to me.

He continued showing his anger suddenly the female doctor shouted "this surgery is necessary and we did lets talk about this after the meeting if you are wrong ready to apologize Dr.Yoon" I am stunned .

The door was opened by a female voice interrupting us so we both said we will meet tomorrow ,I was about to exit where I saw Seo-Woo ,I ignored her presence and walked away .


Seo-Woo POV

(Italics - Hye Jung
Normal - Seo Woo )

I saw her the person whom I never wanted to  see Yoo Hye Jung inside Yoon do.

He questioned where we both know each other I ignored him coz Hye jung walked away from his room .

I stopped her What is the purpose of you being here.

GukII medical center is a place where many doctors want to work at the fact I am here is not weird.

I can't believe how you are doctor ?how could a person like you be at the same level as me.

Does my development causes you anger ?

You'd thought that I'd congratulate you ,does the hospital know you are a gangster ,does your previous hospital is aware of you ?

I don't purposely hide or tell anyone about me ,why ?This time,are you going to post on SNS about it ?Its your speciality to manipulating the power of a majority to destroy someone's life.

Even if I hadn't done that ,you and teacher Hong were already done for.Aren't I right ?

You're right ,If it weren't you I wouldn't have come this far.

Let me ask you one thing then.Are you still in contact with Hong Ji Hong?

i was busy with my life ,I don't have time to reminisce on memories of past acquaintances .

Lying again .

If something goes beyond your knowledge,its all lies ?

You know Hong Ji Hong is being reinstated at our hospital ?your plan to come here because you knew

You won't believe whatever I say

Get out of my hospital,then I will believe you.

I will leave when I want to.

Hong Ji Hong married In Joo ,Don't dream about it.

She went away.

A/N - Hong is back will he recognize Y/N ,will romance bloom btw Hong and Hye jung ?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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