Mathias really needs to get a swear jar

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What could be said about my twenty fifth birthday so far? I mean, I had to work out on the sailing boat again and didn't manage to get the day off. In a small town like this it's hard to get even a day off on your birthday. The town needs it's fish, after all. I didn't mind though. For starters, today like many other days consisted of a bright blue sky touched with a few clouds, not too many, and calm waters. Makes my job easier. Besides, it allows me to spend the day with the breeze in my face and observe the scenery. That is, until a large gust of wind blows right into my face, causing all my hair to fall into my eyes (and my open mouth). Gross. I really need to get a hair clip to tie it back. If not that, then a haircut. It's getting far too long these days.

Anyway, it was just me, admiring the sky and the sea, ignoring the two co-workers bickering behind me. Ugh. This again? "Listen to me, what you're claiming is complete and utter nonsense! Shit like that doesn't exist!" My ears prick at the word 'exist' and I'm suddenly interested in the argument. So, I tear myself away from the railing of the sailboat and make my way over to the two men.

"This is what's wrong with people nowadays! You never believe anything unless you see it with your own eyes!" The other co-worker, Harald, spits, waving his arms around. Harald is significantly older than Jan (the first man) being 40, whilst Jan himself is more around my age, and the two fight constantly. It's so fucking annoying. "Come on, dude. Merfolk? That's fucking ridiculous. They. Don't. Exist. It's a scientific fact," Jan pinches the bridge of his nose, exhaling. Ok. No. Disagree. Strongly disagree. This man does not know how wrong he is. If I didn't hate Jan enough already. God's sake. "I've got to butt in here, Jan. Merfolk exist. And that's a fact." There. Said my piece. If there's anything I know, it's that magical creatures exist. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot who needs to open their eyes.

"If it's such a fact, Lukas, where's your evidence? What proof do you have?" Jan continues to spew his nonsense, clearly not thrilled that I've joined in as he shoots me a glare. "He doesn't need proof! This is what I'm trying to say, sometimes you've just got to believe blindly. You believe in God, don't you, Jan?" Harald interjects and immediately I see where this is going. Now, in terms of the proof I have, I think being good friends with a troll counts as one. So if trolls and fae exist, merfolk do too.

"What's that got to do with anything?" What an idiot. But I can't say that I'm friends with a troll. It would be goodbye small town, hello mental institution. And I don't want that. "Well, you blindly believe God exists, how is this any different? There's no evidence that God exists, so shut up and quit hounding us." Yep. Exactly where I thought it was heading. Jan growls at us but strolls away, going to help with the nets.

"Thanks for coming to my aid, Lukas. It's nice to know someone your age still believes in these things. Happy birthday, by the way," He grins at me and a small smile works its way onto my cheeks in response. I like Harald, he's always been really pleasant to me, especially when I started and hadn't had any experience. Jan, however, has not. So he can go fuck himself. This town has quite a few Catholics and the like, so I'm quite used to talking to plenty of nice religious people. So, I don't hate Catholics. Just Jan. "Thanks, Harald. I'm always here to back you up on mythical creature debates. Always."

I turn my attention back to the ocean, an old fairytale taking up my mind. Of a mermaid who falls in love with a prince and trades her voice to be with him. Huh. I forgot that was a thing. Must be nice to be able to love normally and not be broken like me. God, I wish I weren't broken. And, for a split second, too quick for me to catch a proper look, I think I see a red tail, driving down into the depths.

Must be nice to be free.


"Mathias Køhler! Will you slow the fuck down for just a second!" My best friend shouts from far behind me and, in my rush to stop swimming, I almost crash into a rock. When will I finally look where I'm going? It's a mystery, that's for certain. While Leon attempts to catch up to me, clearly not used to being a flounder (wish I were a shapeshifter, how cool would that be!), I admire the rows of sunken ships before me, a grin stretching across my face. "Why did you want to be a flounder again?" I ask, not looking back, my grin turning into a shit-eating one. "Because" Leon puffs, "I should practice every single form so then I am well rounded in all of them. So you, Mathias, can shut the fuck up." Still don't understand why he has to do this now but ok.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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