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Hajime POV

Nagito got off my bed and made his way toward the couch. We were having fun a minute ago, why did it get awkward.

 A yawn escaped my mouth, and I headed to my bed as well. I looked over to Nagito and he was already asleep, all peaceful like. I didn't realize it, but a smile appeared on my face. 

I laid in bed spacing out thinking about our situation. A murder hasn't occurred, which is good but what will monokuma do.  Will he keep us in here forever till a murder occurs. Will he admit this as a fail and let us out. How was everyone else doing? 

I was interrupted from my thoughts by a whimper coming in Nagito's direction. I then realized the rain going on outside. From what I could hear it was coming down hard. Thunder boomed and a whimpered followed. Turning my attention back to Nagito.

He was shivering, his tail up and alarmed, his ears showing his fear. "Nagito, are you alright?" I asked. He jumped but quickly calmed down. "H-Hi h-Hajime. I'm f-fine." "Your quivering..." "I-its a cat thi-" He was cut off by more thunder. Nagito shrieked. He then quickly covered his face.

When I was younger I had this same fear. My mother would cuddle with me till the storm was over. I don't know if this will work with Nagito, but I can't just lay here and do nothing, even if he is psychotic. 

"Hey Nagito, it's alright. It can't hurt you." He looked away. I sighed. "If it makes you feel better, possibly, MAYBE, you could lay down with me...." Nagito turned his direction back towards me. "b-but why are y-you worrying about a p-piece of trash li-" "Your not trash..." I mumbled

 For a moment I think I saw a spark in his eyes and his ears turn up, but it was dark, so I couldn't tell. "o-ok" Nagito said then crawled onto my bed. Thunder sounded and Nagito clung to me. 

"I-I.." Both of our faces flushed red, but we didn't separate. It was quite nice actually, and soon we both fell asleep. 

It's like some cliche movie/manga romance scene. 


Hope you enjoyed! Sorry, I haven't updated in a while, kind of forgot about this till I opened my email to a bunch of Wattpad notifications. I'll try my best to update more frequently :) 

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