Chapter 10

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Jack's P.O.V.
While I was walking through the woods I felt someone grab me and try to put something over my nose and mouth. My instincts kicked in and I dig my fangs into whoever was trying to wrap their arm around my neck. They backed off and I turned around to look the person in their face. It was no use since they had a mask on. There were two others as well, who were also wearing masks. The one person tried attacking me head on and they smelled like a human. Another person wreaked of dog, and I couldn't place what the third person was until they chanted something and I began to float and couldn't move. Great, a witch.
"Nighty night fangs~" the human said and I all of a sudden passed out.
When I woke up I was in a very dark room. It was very humid and wreaked of body oder, like someone has been trapped in here with no shower for a few years. My hands were cuffed behind my back and my feet were chained to the floor. I tired to break the cuffs, but it was no use. They were special made cuffs I assumed since I could break any normal ones.
"Help!!" I tried screaming, just in case anyone heard me, and I guess someone did since the door began to creak open. They turned on a small light and now I could fully see the small, empty room that i was in. I squinted my eyes at first from the bright light and then became adjusted to it.
"Well, look who finally decided to wake up~" the human from earlier said. I bared my fangs at him, and he flinched back subconsciously covering the bite mark I gave him earlier. "You damn brat!" He said and punched me in my face. I spit out some blood and he snickered at me. "It's time to go." He said and used a key to undo my feet and grabbed me by my hands cuffs and pushed me out the solid door and down a long, dim, hallway. I was still a bit loopy from before so I didn't try resisting. All I could think of was how much I wanted to be in Mark's arms right now. Please Mark. Get here soon...

Mark's P.O.V.
I tried calling Jack multiple times now, but no answer. Worry began to sink into me. I decided to try calling Felix instead since it's not like calling him more would make him all of a sudden answer me.
"Hello?" I heard Felix say, and I could hear music blasting behind him. "Hey Felix, It's Mark. I was wondering if you were with Jack or know where he is by any chance," you could hear the sheer worry in my voice. The music now shut off. "Wait what?! I thought he was with you and that's why he wasn't answering!" Felix said and I felt my heart drop. This was bad. This was really, really, bad.
"Felix, I think Jack is missing." I said with a stern tone. At this point it was taking all the control I had in my body to stop my self from raging out in a fit and destroying everything. It was silent from the other side of the phone for awhile and then he just hung up. WHAT THE FUCK?!? Why the hell would this dipshit hang up on me?! Before I had the time to try and call him back I heard my door bell ring and went down stairs to answer it since I'm home alone again and it could be important.
When I opened the door I saw Felix standing there with blood red eyes. The eyes a vampire first has when they haven't consumed blood eyes. This only ever happens when a nerve snaps in their body. They are usually described as "ungodly creatures" when this happens. I mean the same goes for us wolves but our eyes turn a golden yellow with an amber tone and we go full wolf, but it's not often people can trigger this nerve to snap. I'm honestly even surprised Felix is able to stand in front of me without trying to rip my neck from my torso.
He just pushed me from in front of his path and walked into my living room and sat down like a mindless zombie. I ran to the kitchen and quickly grabbed a blood bag and gave it to him. He chugged it in less then a second and his eyes slowly went back to his natural ones.
"Sorry Mark. I just couldn't stop it from happening," he said with a blank expression. There was no emotion left in his face. You could tell he only felt anger and sadness inside, but yet none of it showed on his face. There was no emotion to his voice either. If anything, it sounded like he was even forcing himself to speak those words.
"Hey, it's ok. We will find him and bring him home, back to us ok?" my words seemed re-assuring to him and i could see his eyes beginning to water. Small streams of tears began to fall from the corners of his eyes.
"I-It's just that w-we've been friends for-for years now and I-I know how much he's been through and-and I can't loose him Mark. He's all I have left. T-The only part of me that's able to remind me to keep pushing f-for his sake. AndIknow hedoesn'twantmetohelphimbutIjustfeellikeifIdontitsmyfaultand-" Felix was saying and then I hugged him. I could feel that he was having a panic attack and I think we both needed the reassurance.
"Hey, Hey, Felix calm down I told you, we are going to get Jack back and beat the shit out of those cock suckers ok?" I said as I let go of him and say in the chair across from him. I heard him chuckle a little as he wiped his tears away.
"Thanks Mark. Ya know, your not so bad after all" he said with another chuckle.
"Ohhh so you thought I was bad now huh? I see how it is" I said as i looked away like I was offended. Both of us let out a laugh trying to make the situation a little less gruesome then it was, but now it was time to get serious and take care of the matter at hand.

Jack's P.O.V.
I ended up passing out while i was being dragged down a dark hallway. All i could remember were dark crimson red wall as and a few lights every so often before I did. I woke up on yet another strange room, but this time i was in a chair with cuffs on my hands behind the chair and my feet cuffed to the ground. Let's just say they're smarter then they look at least. I decided to look around and take in my surroundings. I seemed to be in one of the many fancy chairs that were at a long dining table that was nicely decorated with plates and candles. The room itself seemed gigantic with the same crimson red walls, but this time it had way more lights o you could see everything, including the huge chandelier that hung in the middle of the tall ceiling.
Where the fuck am I, and why the hell is it so fancy?!
Suddenly, two huge doors opened to the room. They seemed to be the only entrance and exit to the room, so any escape plan would probably fail. Four people then entered the room and one seemed to stand out among them all. He was very well dressed, but the odd thing was that his outfit stood out amongst everything here. He wore a white dress shirt, white white dress pants, a white tie, and also white shoes along with a white coat(may or may not be referencing something or someone ;) hint hint) . He also wore a mask however, so his face was not visible to me.
"Hello my prized possession," he said with a very deep tone that was as smooth as butter. His voice sounded so familiar but I just couldn't place my finger on it. He came close to me and seemed to be examining me. The strong cologne he had one made me want to vomit my guys out.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. HE CALLED ME HIS WHAT NOW?!
"Um, excuse me? Your what now??" I said with a disgusted face.
"My possession. Did you not hear me the first time?" he said.
"Oh no I heard you, but I am not your possession." I said with a bit of a petty attitude in my voice. This man made me sick. Just the way he speaks to me makes me want to claw his eyes out. His scent was also so repulsive that it made me want to puke. Not because it smelled bad, but because it was so off that it made me hate it.
He began to walk around the long table and then stood behind me and put his hand on my throat to quick for me to be able to bite his hand.
"Did I say you could talk back little one?" he said, tightening his grip on my neck. Now if this wasn't some weird, sick, kidnapping, and my heart hadn't already belonged to some else then I probably would have been really turned on by this.
"Fuck-off.." I said with the few breaths I had left. He let his right grip on neck go and I began choking on air the moment he let go as I tried to inhale all the air physically possible.
"Send him to my room." He said with a stern tone and two of the people grabbed my hands and and legs and lifted me off the chair. I was about to try and struggle again, but yet again another needle was stuck into my neck and I passed out. Fucking GREAT.

Hello helloooo~
Im back ;)
So how's everyone been?
I know I've been gone for awhile now but I'm trying to get my stuff together and gather motivation to get this story FINISHED.
I hope everyone's in good health and staying safe!
Hope you enjoyed!
Cya in the next chapter~

ALSO: the white suit is a reference to something that has recently ended in one of theses you tubers life ;)

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