chapter 10

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read my note at the end.

nashs pov

matt crawled out of bed he was going out for lunch with carter and maggie. "bye." he said kissing my lips. "bye baby." i sighed rubbing his arm. he stood and left.

beep beep

my phone went off it was jack g. "hey want to chill?"
 he asked. "yeah what you want to do?" i asked. "i have a idea just come over." he said hanging up. i called a cab and we drove to jacks.

i knocked Johnson opened the door. "sup man." i said walking in he hugged me. "hey." he said shutting the door. "were setting Matt up on a date." g said. "wittth wh o?" i stuttered. "Cameron." Johnson said i nodded wtf is this.

"it was cams idea." g said confused i balled my fist. "they already dated and cam cheated on Matt so no we are not." i said plopping down jacks looked confused.

i nodded. Cameron walked out dressed up i rolled my eyes. "whats your deal Nash?" he asked shoving me. i punched him he stumbled back holding his jaw he kicked me in the face i tackled him to the ground punching him over and over Matt is mine.

Kay this is small but yeah i need a volunteer to be with jack jack or Cameron. just dm me male or female name and a picture. that's all i need.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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