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Matts pov

I layed down on nashs bed it smelt like him. Why is he mad at me? hes the one all over girls being fake for his friends our friends.

Ugh why cant this be like a book and we can just be happy at peace with the work with are selfs.

I pulled out my iphone and got on twitter i ranted. People were blowing up my comments "are you dating someone?" "whats her name?" "i will cut a bitch." i sighed.

I need to come out. Soon. I just dont want to face the hate. The pain. I dont want this life but im stuck with it.

Nash. My brain keeps kelling at me to shut my heart up and my heart is begging me to go after the hot blue eyes sex toy of mine.

Hes mine. I will make him mine. I stood up and whipped his door open cameron sat there wide eyes. "Were did nash go?" i asked.

He shrugged. "Your a dick."  I mummbled brushing past him he grabbed my hand. "Matt wait. What happend to us. My bestfriend nash is my bestfriend how could you?" he snapped.

The anger boiled up and i punched him. Like 5 times he fell to the floor. I brushed off my shirt and walked out.

I ran into the elevator. Nash sat outside it sobbing. My baby. My heart broke my brain yelling at me to leave. But i wanted to stay.

"Nash babe?" i asked sitting in frount of him. his head snapped up. "What?" he snapped. Ouch.

"Nash you have to understand." i began. "Dont you dare matthew. I have loved you for the longest time and i finally have you. And what do you do you hook up with some slut at a party and snap my self astem and heart." nash said tears pouring out of those perfect blue eyes.

"Nash i was mad. At you. You were talking about hooking up with some girls and and i just saw them around you and it set me off. " I sighed kissing his hand.

He stood up as did i. He nodded and kissed me. In the hall. Who would have ever thought.

I pulled back. We walked into the apartment. Nash jumped in the shower as much as i wanted to get in i didnt.

Nash came out dressed for bed. He rubbed his eyes like a baby and yawned. "Im tired." he whisperd. "Go to sleep." i sighed.

He plopped down on the bed. My baby is so cute. "Night matt." he smiled. "Night beautiful." i smiled peeking his lips.

I went on my instagram and looked over at MY sleeping beauty.  I got on snapchat which i havnt done all day and took a selfie with my boo sleeping.

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