Since You Walked Out

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Author's Note: Hey, I'm finally back! It's been a little over two weeks since my last post but I've finally got a new fic for you all! Word count is about 3200+ words so it's a little longer than my usual fics but not the longest one so far. FLASHBACKS ARE IN ITALICS!! As usual, please leave plenty of comments, don't forget to vote for the chapter, and most importantly, enjoy!

For as long as she could remember, her family would always drag her to church. They were always very religious. She would always be forced into a dress when they went out, constantly reminded to "act like a lady" whenever there were boys around, she'd be pushed to be the poster child of the perfect Christian.

When she was fourteen, she went into church on a Monday, for a funeral instead. She instantly noticed the change in tone the moment she set foot on the marble steps out front, and ever since then, she looked at churches a little differently. She realised that they held an entirely different meaning than she once thought. She learned that they could be just as devastating and sad as they were celebratory.

Like now, where people gathered at the steps, mingling and conversing in expensive clothes that they weren't going to wear again. There was a truck out on the lawn a bit further from where she was, the workers hastily moving tables and decorations to a tent that was set up at the back. To her side, there were a handful of people complimenting a little girl in a white dress.

A stretch limousine pulled up at the side of the road and a few women climbed out of the car, all wearing matching pale coloured dresses.

She tugged at her own dress and hoped that the simple colour of her own dress would allow her to blend into the crowd and go about unnoticed. Aurora had told her it was fine; besides, it wasn't as if a fancy new dress was something that would fit in her budget.

And it wasn't like anyone here would care about her, much less her appearance and what she's wearing. If someone was to take notice of her, it definitely wouldn't be because of her dress. They weren't there for her. In fact, she was yet to spot a single familiar face, which should have been a good thing for her, but she couldn't help but wonder how many of the guests present both parties actually knew and had met prior to that day.

"Would you ever get married?"

He let out an annoyed sigh, "marriage isn't as meaningful as one might think, why should I have to document my love to you if we both already know the truth?"

"Okay," she said, a little disappointed, "but I wouldn't mind seeing you in a fancy tux," she smiled, but it didn't seem to affect him in the slightest.

"Is that really why you want a wedding? Because I would gladly put on something as simple as a tux if it meant that you'd be down t-"

"No, that's not the only reason. I'd like a wedding, I think that it'd be nice. It wouldn't even have to be a big one," she could imagine them on a beach, maybe a small service at their house, she wouldn't even have minded just going to the courthouse and having a nice dinner afterward.

"It's not like I'd want to invite enough people for a big wedding anyway, I don't want to be surrounded by all the reporters."

She sat down next to him and stroked his thick brown hair with her fingers, "we could just invite our friends, and my parents, you know how much they love you. We don't need a bunch of people around to have a wedding."

"Good, because I don't want a giant guest list where there are different number tables and- and a full service and a grand ceremony. I just...I just want you."

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