"ERINA WAKE UP." I heard Maddie yell. "What do you want." I say as I rub my eyes and yawn. "The family will be out, okay? Harry said he's coming over later to take you out." Maddie said and I nodded. "I have a feeling that cute boy likes you." she said. "get out of my room Maddie." I said and she left. I heard the front door shut. Great, I was alone. I got out of bed and stretched. I grabbed a hair tie and did a messy bun. I then went downstairs to eat breakfast. I turned on the TV and went in the kitchen. What time is it? I looked over at the clock and it was 11:30. Wow I must've been pretty tired...wait, how did I end up in my bed? and where's harry?
Ughhhh. so much work, walking over to the door.
I opened the door, and saw Harry there. "Hey." he said. "hi." I said as I made space for him to come in. "You just woke up?" he asked and I nodded. "Nice hair." he said and poked it. "It's called a messy bun." I playfully rolled my eyes as I said that. He chuckled and sat down on the couch, as I got my favorite cereal, Lucky Charms. I put it in a small bowl, grabbed a spoon and went in the living room and sat next to harry. "no milk?" he asked. "I hate milk." I tell him. "really, you like your cereal dry? Wow you're the first person I have ever met that eats cereal dry." he said. "You make it seem like I'm different. I AM NORMAL." I say and he chuckles. "You are different. Different in a good way and I like that." he said as he winked at me. I just sighed and took another bite out of my cereal.
'I wanna get to know you better. You can tell me all your secrets. Don't hide them from me. Yeah' I heard and I looked up and JAI was on the TV. "OH MY GOD ITS JAI OMG OMG." I said as I stood up and started jumping. Harry looked at me weird as he was laughing at me being excited because Jai was on tv. "LOOK AT HIM BEING SO PERFECT OH MY GOSH AND I CANT BELIEVE HES MY AGE." I say as I go up to the TV and touch Jai. I was actually touching the screen, but it would've been so cool to touch Jai through the TV, but maybe only like in the Harry Potter world. "So this is Jai...Hmm nice to meet you. You have a girly voice." Harry says and I gave him an offended look. "He does not! It's not his fault that he has a high voice! Don't be mean to my guy." I said and he laughed. "He can sing though." Harry said. "Damn right he can." I said and he laughed more. I sat back down and finished eating my cereal, as the Tv went back to SPONGEBOB. "Who lives in the pineapple under the sea?" harry sang. "SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!" I said and we both laughed. Harry didn't sound bad when he sang that line. "Hey harry, can you sing a song for me?" I ask as I turn to him. He gave me a weird look and said, "why?" "because, I want to hear you." I say. "what song?" he asked. "any song." I reply and he cleared his throat.
'Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? isn't she precious'
wow..he CAN sing! He has a lovely voice...oh my gosh...I am surprised! Harry looks like a bad boy. He has the image of a bad boy. Like I wouldn't of ever thought that he could sing. He doesn't have tattoos or anything, but he is tall and he's gorgeous. This is a surprise for me.
He finished and I was speechless. "My god...you can sing harry! your voice is so beautiful! I would listen to you all day anyday." I said and he chuckled. "Thank you." he said. Then he got a call. He rolled his eyes when he looked at the ID caller. He didn't pick it up...which im confused? "why don't you answer?" I ask him. "because they're my friends, and I'd rather hang out with you, than hanging out with my friends." he told me. "it's okay harry. Go to them." I told him. it was really okay since I like being alone. "No. I'm not leaving you because I like you." he said as he hugged me. "awww I like you too." I said. I meant it in a friendly way. Wait what did he mean by 'like' me? Does he like like me, or just like me as you know, like a friend? I'll just let it go for now...
"are you okay, Erina?" he asked as he came up to my face. I snapped out of my thoughts. "yeah I'm fine yup fine!" I said as I got up and grabbed my bowl and went to to put it in the kitchen sink. "So what are we planning on to do today?" I ask him as I skip into the living room. "I was planning to show you around." he said and I smiled. "Okay. When are we going?" I ask him. "Whenever you're ready, love." he said and I kinda blushed at his choice of words. "Well I'm ready!" I said. I was wearing a Rilakkuma (Japanese CUTE Teddy Bear) onesie. "You're going out...like that?" He asked and I nodded. "yes, do you have a problem with that?" I ask him and he starts laughing. "no! not at all. It's just that you're really weird." he said. "okay, I know I'm weird. Don't need to point that out anymore. I'm the weirdest weird person." I said and he laughed again. "Fine I'll go change." I said as I started to head upstairs but he grabbed my wrist, not so tightly and turned me around. "No, don't. I like you like this." he said. What does he mean? Oh well I'll just think about this later. "Okay." I said. "Okay." he said. I just gave him a look and smiled. It's just like in The Fault In Our Stars, the book im reading at the moment. "Okay." I said. "Okay." he said and I giggled and he smiled. "You know?" I ask him. "The Fault In Our Stars? Yeah." he said and I giggled a little. "Let's just go now." I said and he nodded. "Wait, do I need to bring anything?" I asked him. "NOPE, I'll pay for it all." he said. "pay? wait no I'm not gonna let you pay anything for me." I said as I rushed upstairs and him chasing me. "No!! I'll pay for you! don't you dare get your money!" he said as I went inside my room and found my wallet and my phone and rushed out of my room, passing harry and grabbed my shoes and went outside. He came out too, and sat down. I sat next to him and put my shoes on. "I said you don't have to get it." he said as he was kinda smiling. "Well, I did." I said and smiled innocently at him. "Oh don't you dare smile at me all innocent after what just happened." He joked. I pouted and turned away from Harry, like a little kid. We were joking. "Fine, then I guess I won't go on this little 'date' with you." I said as I got up and grabbed everything and tried to go inside. I was joking too, so don't think this is real. "No no no no! you're gonna go on this little date with me, Duwel." He said as he stood up and came over to me and hugged me for no reason. I hugged him back though. "You smell good." I said and he laughed. "That's the second time you told me that." he said. "You really smell good." I said. "You smell good too." he said and I chucked. "Shall we go?" he said as he held his arms out for me to take. I smiled at him and took his arms. "We shall go." I said and I followed him to his car. We got in his car, and headed to the first place. "Where to first?" I ask him. "I was thinking we should go to the Ice Cream shop first." he said. Ice Cream shop? Well, okay. haha. "When's your birthday?" he asks me. "February 9th. What about yours?" I ask him. "February 1st. Wow!" he said. "woah that's so cool! 8 days older than me...actually, that's not fair." I said and he laughed. February 1st is in a week...hmmm maybe I should do something, like a surprise party for him. Maybe sing a song? I've been told I can sing and I won 1st place at my old school's talent show by singing. "You're turning 17 in a week!" I said. "yeah." he said. "excited big boy?" I ask and he chuckled. "I am not big." he said. "yes you are." I fought back. "no im not." he said. "yes you are. "no I'm not." "yes you are." "no im not." "then why are we going to the ice cream shop?" I smirked at him. "Fine, I guess I'll turn this car around and go straight back home." he said. "no! I wanna go get Ice Cream!" I said and he laughed. "You're so confusing." he said and continued driving. I just kept thinking about what to do for his birthday...I mean, he's the first friend I have ever had here and he's really nice and sweet. I want to thank him you know? "Whatcha thinking about, love?" he asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Nothing." I replied quick. "Your thinking face is cute." he said. "Stop giving me compliments!!" I said and he chuckled. "we're here." he said and we got out of the car and went in. "Oi Harry!" we heard a boy's voice say. Harry looked at the boy who was waving at him, and wove back. We fought over who's paying for who, and harry won, so he ended up paying for me, which I hate. I don't like people buying me stuff, I don't know why, but I do, but he's sweet so it's okay. "This ice cream is really good." I said. I got chocolate and harry got mint. We sat down at a table, when Harry said 'Good morning Mrs.Tai.' "good morning Harry, and a lovely young lady." a nice lady who looks like she's in her 40s said and came up to us. "This is Erina. She's gonna come to our school soon." Harry introduced me to her. "Well, Hello Erina! I'm Mrs.Tai. What year are you going into?" she asked me. "Year 10." I replied. "Oh! So you'll probably be in my class! Nice meeting you Erina!" she said as she shook my hand. "Nice meeting you too." I said and she smiled. "I'll see you guys at school! oh and one more thing, you won't have school for a whole week next week because there has a been a gas leak and they're trying to fix it." she told us. "Thank you for telling us Mrs.Tai." Harry said and waved goodbye at her. "She's one of the good and funny teachers." He said and I nodded, taking another bite out of my ice cream. Jai Waetford..I don't know why but he's all that I can think of. I want to go to his concert so bad...maybe I can beg my mom. I want to meet him...I mean, who doesn't? But he lives in Australia and I live in the UK. We are so far away. "Erina...Erina? You okay?" I heard Harry asking me. "You had your thinking face on again." he said and I smiled. "I'm fine. I was just...thinking about something." I told him. "What were you thinking about?" he asked as he and I took another bite out of our ice creams. "Oh you know...something..." I said and he smirked at me. "What WERE you thinking about?" he asks me again. "Jai Waetford." I said. "oh your lover." he said. "Well, he's not exactly my lover..I mean I love him, he just doesn't know that i exists. That's why I want to go to his concert so bad." I said. Harry nodded and smiled. He had a thinking face on too. "What...what're you planning?" I ask him. He shook his head 'no' and smiled. I started smiling too, because I'm scared of what he's planning. "So, what if someone, let's say a guy, get you concert tickets? What would you do?" he asks me. "I'd kiss him." I said. "Hmmm interesting..." he said as he took another bite out of his ice cream. "Haz, you're being really weird." I say as I laugh. "Haz?" he asked and I nodded. "yeah your new nickname." I told him. "Then you're gonna be Rina Banina." He said and I smiled. "Funny name." I said and he laughed. "It suits you." he said and I laughed. I looked down to eat more ice cream, but it was gone. I looked over at Harry's and his was gone too. "Should we go?" I ask and he nodded. We went back to his car. When he started the car, the radio came on, and Jai's new song 'Shy' was on. "Oh my god this is jai!!" I said and Harry laughed. I hummed to it, as Harry drove somewhere. "Thank you for the ice cream, Haz." I said. "You're welcome, Rina Banina." he says and I chuckled. "Wanna come over?" I ask him. "Yeah sure." he says, then he spoke again. "There's a school dance coming up in about 2 weeks." "Really? That's cool." I said. "Yeah, and I need a date. Soooooooooooo will you go to the dance with me?" Harry asked awkwardly. "No." I decided to tease him. "Oh okay." he said and I smiled. "Harry, I was joking silly. Of course I will be your date for the dance!" I said and he parked his car Infront of his house and I hugged him. "Don't be stupid and think I wouldn't go to the dance with you." I said and he blushed and I giggled. "Woah your blushing." I said and he blushed more and playfully punched me. I laughed and we both got out of his car and went to mine. I saw my mom's car so they were home. I opened the door and Harry and I went in. "Mom I'm home!" I yelled. "How was your day?" my mom asks, coming to greet me. "Oh and hello Harry! how was your day?" she asked nicely. "it was fun, Mrs.Marina." Harry said and smiled. "Your family invited us for dinner, so you can stay here if you want." My mom told Harry. "Thank you." he said and she left.
We went to my room and closed my door shut and I jumped on my bed. "I'm so tired." I said as I layed down. "Me too." Harry said as he layed down next to me. "Hey want to sleepover tonight? I'm pretty sure my mom will be okay about it." I asked Harry. "Yeah! Sure!" he said and I smiled big. "ERINA! JAI WAETFORD'S ON THE TV!" I heard Maddie calling from downstairs. "Let's goo!" I said as I jumped out of bed quick and ran downstairs, Harry following behind. I sat on the couch and watched the news. "Shy singer, Jai Waetford, is off to the UK for his new tour, so go check out the dates because he might come to your town! Get your tickets at-" "MOM PLEASE I NEED TO GO SEE HIM." I beg my mom. "Erina, you know I can't afford that much money." she said. "But I need to seee hiiiiim." I say again. "You say it like he's your boyfriend." Maddie says. "He is my boyfriend...in my mind." I said and she laughed. "Oh shut up. All I want is a Jai Waetford concert ticket so I can finally go see him live and meet him. That's all I ever want in my life." I say. "I'll think about it." My mom said and I got excited. "That may be a no Erina." Maddie said. "Shut up okay Mads? you're just mad that you can't go see or meet Taylor Henderson." I said as I ran upstairs and Harry followed me again. I got into my room and closed my door. Jai has been litterally on my mind ever since like this morning. Nah, that's usual...it sounds creepy, but I'm not trying to sound creepy. Jai is my life. I need to meet him at least once before I die. "So what do you want for your birthday?" Harry asks. "Jai Waetford's concert tickets." I say and he smirked at me. "What. You're scaring me." I tell him. "nothing. so you want to watch a movie? it's only 4 pm." Harry said, quickly changing the subject. I just stared at him chuckling. "What?" he asked as he started to smile. "Nothing, just thought that you were cute." I said and he blushed. "You blushed again!!" I said. "shut up Erina." he said and I laughed. "so do you want to watch a horror movie?" he asks me and I shook my head 'no'. "I love horror movies, but I get so scared that I end up cuddling stuff and burying my face into it, and I sometimes start to cry." I tell him. "awww baby you can cuddle with me." Harry said. I blush at his word 'baby'. "no. I'm scared already." I said and smiled. "Erina, Darcy's here. Just wanted to let you know." Nolan said, coming in my room. "Wait just Darcy?" I ask, surprised because she's only 2 years old. "yes Erina." he rolled his eyes and continued, "no she's here with Auntie Rachel." and he turned to harry and smiled. "hey harry." and left. "Let's go see my adorable cousin!" I said as I stood up and walked out of my room. We went downstairs and saw Darcy, in my mom's arms. "Awwww hii darcy! Remember me?" I ask her and she giggled and held her hands out for me. "Ha she loves me more." I said and my mom playfully rolled her eyes as she handed me Darcy. Darcy then pointed at Harry and held his arms out for him. "Look who she loves more." He said and smirked at me. "Whatever. Let's sit down." I said and we sat on the couch. "Hello Auntie Rachel. How are you?" I ask her. "I'm fine Erina, and who's this cute boy next to you?" she smirked at me. "oh this is Harry, my friend." I said. "Nice to meet you ma'am." Harry said. "Call me Auntie Rachel." she smiled at him. "okay then, Auntie Rachel." harry said and she laughed. "Darcy, why won't you come to me?" I ask her and pouted and she put her hand in my face and Harry laughed. "Well then Darc. I guess you and I aren't friends anymore." I joked and stood up and walked away in the kitchen. "Ewiinaaa!" she yelled and I smiled. I went back and she held her hands out for me. Aww isn't she the cutest? Harry gave me Darcy and I held her and she played with my hair. "Want to go to the back yard?" I ask her and she nodded. "Wanna go Harry?" I ask him and he nodded. "Mom, can Harry spend the night?" I half yell. "Of course!" she half yelled back. "Yes." I said and he laughed.
We went to the back yard and put her down. I sat down on a chair and watched her. Harry sat down next to me and Darcy immediately went to him. She loves him more than me. ): She held her tiny adorable hands out for him to take, and she held out her other tiny adorable hand out Infront of me, for me to take, I'm guessing. Harry and I both took her hand and followed her. "Can we pway house? You be mummy, Ewina and you be daddy." Darcy said. "Okie dokie." I said and looked over at Harry and he was smiling. "I love this baby." Harry said and I laughed. "kiss!" Darcy says. What. That was unexpected. "Uhh Darcy, Harry and I are just friends." I tell her. Then someone screamed 'Boo' in my ear, which caused me to scream more louder and when I looked who it was, it was my brother Nolan. "NOLAN." I say as I chase after him. "IM TELLING MOM." I say as I went to the kitchen. "Mom, Nolan screamed in my ear." I tell her. "NOLAN. COME DOWN HERE!" my mom yelled and he did. I decided to go back outside and sneak up on them. I snook up behind Harry and told Darcy to shh. i didn't say it out loud, of course. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned against him. "You smell good." I tell him and he laughs. "That's the third time." he says. I sat next to him and Darcy. "Movie!" Darcy said. "You want to watch a movie?" I asked and she nodded. "But I thought we were playing house-" "MOVIE!" she said. "Okay!" I said and Harry laughed. Of course darcy went to harry to carry her. We went inside and saw Saddie with a girl. it was her best friend, Monica. "Hey Saddie. Hey Monica." I greeted them. "ERINA!!" Monica said as she jumped on me. She always liked me. She told me I was like her older sister. "MONICA!" I said as I squeezed her as I hugged her. "How are you?" I ask. "I'm fine! oh my gosh I missed you!" she said. "I missed you too!! Wheres Camila?" I ask, referring to her older sister that's my age. We're good friends. "I'm right here!" I heard Camila say as she looks like she just came out of the bathroom. "MILAAA!" I say as I ran over to her and jumped on her and hugged her. "RINA I MISSED YOU TOO." Camila said and we laughed. "Oh and is this your boyfriend?" Camila smirked at me, looking at Harry. "He's my new and first friend here." I tell her. "Hi, I'm Camila." She says to harry. "I'm harry." Harry tells her and she smiles. "So how are things with you and Jacob?" I ask. "We're fine. We had our 2 year anniversary yesterday! He set up a romantic date and it was just the perfect night." Camila says. "Congrats!! now you want to make me have a boyfriend!" I tell her and she laughs. We sat on the couch and I sat next to Harry while Camila sat across from us. "You should get a boyfriend." She tells me. "How? Jai doesn't know that I exsist." I tell her and she laughs. "Look at yourself! You're beautiful, You're talented, you're funny, you have a nice personality, you're weird, you have everything! Almost all the boys fancied you at London Jack High School." She said. "Really? Ew." I said and Harry and she laughed. "Oh yeah, Rina, good news," she said and she paused. "well what's the good news?" I ask. "I'm moving here." she said. "REALLY?! OH MY GOD I WONT BE ALONE I LOVE YOU OH MY GOOOOD!" I said and hugged her as I jumped out of my seat. "Yeah and I heard we're getting the same schedules at school with harry." She said. I looked at Harry, with an excited face and he laughed. "Whaaaat? why are you laughing?" I ask as I pout. "Because you're so cute." he said and i playfully hit him. "I said stop." I tell him. He is making me blush by calling me cute and stuff. "No can do, love." he said and I playfully rolled my eyes. I looked at Camila and she was smirking at me. "What..?" I ask. "I see a perfect couple there." she said and I just gave her an 'are-you-out-of-your-mind' look. "Camila, we're just friends." I said. She just smirked at us. I sighed. "So where's your house?" I ask her. "It's across from your house." She said. That's really close. Wow. "Awesome." I said and she smiled. "We should go shopping." she said and I nodded. "Yeah, let's go the day after tomorrow." I said. "Ok!" she agreed, and I instantly got excited. I then leaned onto Harrys shoulder because I was already getting tired. He was playing with Darcy. "You guys look like a family." Camila said while smiling in aw. "Shut up Mila." I said and she smiled. "But I do think it's cute that Harry likes little kids." I said and he smiled at me. "I gotta go home. I'll come by the day after tomorrow! Text me alright?" She said and I nodded. "Bye Camila! Bye Monica!" I said as Mila took her little sister with her and went out the door. "Mommy!" Darcy said and Harry let go of her and Darcy ran to her mom. "Let's go upstairs." I said and he nodded. I was getting tired. We went upstairs and closed my door and turned on the tv and sat on my bed. I yawned. "You tired?" he asked and I nodded. I then layed down and he did too. I snuggled up against his body and he wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes and soon, fell asleep...I woke up. I looked around and it was dark, except my night light was on. Yes, I need a light to sleep with so I won't get scared. Harry's arms were still around me and I reached for my phone on the stand, next to the bed. I pressed the home button thingy and it was 11:30 pm. Wow. I put my phone back and turned to Harry. he was sleeping and oh my god he is so cute. I decided to take a picture of it. I reached for my phone again and set it to the camera mode. I snapped a picture of him and put my phone back. His eyes opened a little because of the sound of my phone. Shit. He looked at me and smiled. "Goodmorning love." he said as he stretched. I chuckled because of how cute he is and how cute his morning voice is. Oh god am I falling for him? "It's not morning yet, Haz. it's still night time." I said. "When did you wake up?" he asked. "Like 5 minutes ago." I reply and he nodded. I guess my mom came in here and turned my tv off, because the TV was off. Then, Harry squeezed me a little bit, which didn't hurt, but I liked this. "Want to talk about something?" he asked me. "Sure." I tell him and I look at him. "Have you ever been in a serious relationship?" he asks me. Weird topic, but okay. "no. I've been in one of those one week relationships. I'm the one that's always getting dumped."I tell him and sigh. It's kinda embarrassing telling him this. "How many boyfriends have you had?" he asks me. "2." I say. "Only two?" he asks and I nodded and asked, "why? how many girlfriends have you had?" "5." he tells me. Wow. To me, that's a lot. "Serious relationships?" I ask him and he shook his head, 'no'. "Are you a virgin?" he asks me. "Yes of course, are you?" I ask him. "Yeah i am. I'm not giving my virginity away until the right person comes." he says and I nod. "have you had your first kiss yet?" he asks. "no." I said in shame. Because most of my friends already had their first kiss. I mean I'm 16 and I still haven't had my first kiss. that's sad. "really? when do you want your first kiss?" he asks, sounding like he wants to be my first kiss, which I don't mind because I think I like him..."I don't know. Maybe I won't get my first kiss until I get a boyfriend, who I truly love. Like, I want to have a boyfriend who will love me forever, and who will be my first and last kiss." I tell him. "Wow." he says and smiles at me. "What do you want your first kiss to be like?" he asks. "A romantic moment, like in the rain." I say, daydreaming now. "or at like Jai Waetford's concert! I don't know, I think it'll be pretty cool to have a first kiss at my Favourite singer's concert." I say and he nodded. I started thinking about his birthday. Maybe I should just give him 100$ (let's pretend they use dollars, not euros), and make him spend every single penny of it while we hangout and I take him to places where he wants to go. "Hey Harry, I'm totally changing the subject, but can I take you out? like hangout day just for us?" I ask and he smiled. oh that cute smile. "Yes, of course. What have you got planned?" he asked. "Secret." I said and winked at him and he smirked at me. He then kissed my cheek which made me smile. "Aww you're smiling." harry said and I put my hand to his face. "What was that kiss for?" I ask him as I take my hand away. "Because you're the best friend ever." he tells me. "Awww then in that case, here." I say as I sat up a little and gave him a kiss on the cheek. he smiled and I gave him a thumbs up and he laughed. I yawned again. "I'm getting tired again." I said and he nodded. "Let's go back to sleep. Thanks for talking with me." he says. "no problem, I love talking to you." I tell him and he smiles. I turned my back towards him, as his arms wrapped itself around me, again and we fell asleep...

The New Girl
RandomA 16 year old girl named Erina Duwel just moved to Holmes Chapel with her mom and her little sister, Saddie, her little brother, Nolan, and her older sister Maddie. She wasn't a much of a talkative person, but once you get to know her, she is actual...