A Heros Fate

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We lived in a small house, nice but small. Are family didn't have much money but we where all happy well but me. My name is Brine and i have a twin brother named Steve. Why am I not happy you may ask? Well it isn't me being beaten, hurt, or abused in anyway. No are parents love us a lot and will do anything to make sure we are safe and heathy. Now why am I said? Well my life is pretty boring, i am not strong smart or even anything like my brother Steve is, he is older to. He is always looked up on the village outside and plans to become a royal worrier for Notch, are lord and god. I cant even use a weapon, swords, axes, bows not even crossbows.. Non I'm any good at. Steve how ever is great at all of them and well tomorrow hes going off to the city to try and become a worrier.
I lay in my bed now thinking about my life and how its not going so well, mom said i will be a great farmer or cook since her words, I'm great at making pies she always tells me how good my food is.. So i guess there is something I'm good at but i want to.be more, i want to be something greater like Notch is, Jeb, all them. But i don't have the smarts or the power to make that happen, heck even Steve may become something more to. I hate my life.

"Bye Steve! We wish you luck my baby boy!" A female called out to Steve as he road away on a house

"I know mom!" Steve looked back at us as he road away "love you guys i will send a letter over if i get in!" He waved back at us "see you letter little bro!" He said to me. I only waved back. I headed back inside and into my room, i got on my boots and grabbed my sack. I headed out of the house soon after to and headed strait to the forest. As i entered the shade i smiled, my icy blue eyes scanned over the forest floor and i touched the bark of the tree rubbing my and along it. I love nature so much, everything about it is just wonderful. I walked up to a small river, crystal clear as a blue diamond in the sun. I sat next to it and looked at myself in the reflection in the water. I grabbed my sack and opened it up, inside was a few apples and water and a book. I grabbed the book and opened it up, it was about a hero who went out to save his small village from a hoard of zombies and creepers, it was truly great. I leaned back against a bolder that rested near the river and it loved from under me, next thing i know i was falling down a hole.

3rd person view

Brine screamed as he fell down, he was trying to grab anything near him with no luck soon he fell into a small water hole making him soaked. He groaned as he sat up and looked around "its pitch black" he mumbled as he got up and felt his way to a wall.
As brine made his way through he soon saw a small room that was lit up. He walked to it and entered the room, all over the walls was a language that he didn't understand. Brine walked to the middle of the room and saw a small glowing like orb thing. It was something he never seen before, he was in a aw like trance. He walked up to it and picked it up, it sent a chill all over him and he placed it back panicked some. "What even is this thing, it really is nothing i ever seen before." He spoke to himself and looked back at the walls. "everything in here is so old but new" he said as he walked over to an old painting on the walls, it had a man that was all black with glowing white eyes "almost like a forgotten god" brine said "maybe even a hero at that" he said as he looked back over at the orb that was resting. "Maybe i could take it and sell it, ya it cam make big money and my parents can live happier.. I can finally be praised to, i can hear it now," brine brought his hands up in the air as he spoke "brine you helped us find the missing artifact! How can we ever repay you??" "Well first off i would love to see the so called god and show him who i am and show him im more then just some small little kid" he smirked as he talked to himself. Brine grabbed the orb once again and made his way though the small tunnel over to where he fell at, the orb lighting his way though. He looked up and patted his side and cursed to himself "its still up there" he mumbled as he realized his pouch is still at the surface. He put the orb in his arm pit and started to clime up, slipping a few times and almost dropping the orb but soon he made it up and slid the orb on the the grassy floor as he climbed up, he then saw the orb slowly making its way to the rushing water, he panicked and almost fell back in as he climbed out of the hole and rushed to the orb and grabbed it before it fell into the water. "Thank gosh i didn't loose you" brine said "your my ticket to a better life" he said. He looked up and saw how dark it was "i must have staid down there for a while.. Ops.." He said worried "mom's gonna kill me" he said and grabbed his pouch and made his way back to the village and held the orb all the way there till he smelt a horrible stench. He started to rush to the village and as he got there his whole world stopped, almost like time itself stopped. He wished what he was seeing what everything infront of him wasn't real, it cant be right? what he was seeing was his village being on fire, zombies lettered the village, thankfully they have yet to spot him. He held the orb closer to him as he started at what used to be his home. He looked over to what his house use to be but now just a bunch of ash from the fire. "There all gone..." He said softly "there gone..." He felt tears threaten to come out. Now what does he have left? His brother? How he wasn't even here. He hugged the orb even closer and ran from there. Now he was alone, his brother gone off to become what he dreamed to be not even knowing what happened here and brine, well he only had a silly orb one he didn't know what it would brine just yet. Brine didn't stop running for a while, he couldn't stop be couldn't look back at what used to be his home. Brine felt his heart shatter, everything was going to be great but some dang zombies had to ruin it all for him. He soon stopped at a tree and rested up against it, he looked down at the orb he held in his hand and sighed, he didn't know why he still sept it really, it had no use anymore but for some reason he felt as if it was his for his whole life like his life depended on it even though he known it didn't

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