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It took them both a few days to fall back into the comfortable pattern they had once had.

George gained the habit of staring guiltily across the dinnertable while she sipped her tea. He softly flinched every time she touched him, apologizing when he eyes widened and lips parted to form her own apology. And while he longed to hold her in his sleep, he couldn't bring himself to pull her into his arms without feeling like an imposter.

Hannah was fairing no better. While reading the paper she would glance at George, if only to check that he wasn't glaring at her. She jumped whenever he walked into the room, worried that the accusations would soon follow. Every time she considered doing something nice she fretted, worried that he would look and see an off brand Fred wandering around their kitchen. And god, she wished he would hold her in his sleep, it was so terribly difficult to sleep without his arms holding her tight.

It had been a week since Hannah had come home, and they were eating dinner. She was trying to read the paper, but the feeling of George's guilty eyes left her illiterate. Finally, in exhaustion, she slammed the paper down on the table and marched into the bathroom. She was going to fix this, she had to fix this, or damn it she was going to go crazy. After a quick pep talk that mostly involved deep breaths between each wave of panic, she returned to the kitchen.

"George, we're going out."


"I'm not kidding, we're going to go out, meet friends, and get absolutely plastered. I don't care who you invite, but we're going out before one of us explodes."

"Hannah, I don't-."

"Tell me going nowhere but work and here have not driven you crazy, and we won't. Tell me that the tension in this room isn't killing you, and we won't." She tapped her foot on the floor as she waited for his response, and the grin she had missed so much spread across his face.

"Only if you wear the black dress." She grinned and practically leaped over the table as she hugged him, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before dashing towards the bathroom to get ready. With a smile that almost felt foreign he pulled out a pair of clean pants and shirt before ringing up Ron and Hermione.

To say Ron was surprised was an understatement but they quickly agreed.

"Draco will probably be there," George warned and there was a pause on the other end of the line. He could hear hushed whispers on the other end of the line, most likely a small argument between Ron and Hermione.

"I'll behave," he said before pausing, surely waiting for Hermione to leave before adding, "as long as he does." George chuckled and promised he would, praying that he was right. He hung up after telling Ron to meet them out front of the shop in half an hour.

"Mind if I use the phone, handsome?" came a soft purr from behind him, and when he turned, he remembered why he liked that dress so much. He kissed her before handing her the landline. "I want to invite Draco and Sloane, if that's okay?"

"You said invite friends." She grinned before dialing the phone.

"Hey, Sloane?" she began, pausing as her friend rattled on, full of bubbly excitement, "Yeah, yeah of course. Hey, get ready for a night out, grab Draco, and meet us outside George's store in half an hour." George could hear the squeal from where he was standing a few feet away. Hannah held the phone away from ear as she said goodbye, hanging up as the squeals ended. George leaned against the kitchen table, watching as Hannah practically burst with excitement. She stared at him for a moment before shuffling closer with a sly grin.

"What?" he asked but she didn't say anything, only moved closer until she was positioned between his legs. She blinked innocently before guiding his lips down to hers with a gentle hand. He melted into her touch, hands reaching down to pull her closer. His fingers slid beneath the hem of her little, black dress. She grinned; biting is lip softly before pulling away.

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