The Start Of Something Horribly Amazing

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"Some Villains just can't be beaten without powers." "If you want to help people there are plenty of other ways to do it, you can be a police officer, they get crap because most of the villains get captured by the heroes." "But it's a fine profession...It's not bad to have a dream young man, Just make sure you're dreams are attainable-realistic, you understand?" In those couple of words...In those couple of seconds, the only thing, the only piece-scratch that-sliver of hope I had left walked away, like nothing ever happened. Like 'All Might' the 'Amazing Number One Hero' better known as 'The Symbole Of Peace' didn't just ruin a child's life...

like he didn't just ruin MY Life...

I clenched my fists, I could feel my sanity running low as I slowly came to the realization that...I'm nothing without a quirk...I'm nothing...I could feel the realization hit me like a tsunami. As the tears started welling up in my emerald eyes. I started walking slowly with my head down, whimpering silently, I walked to the stairway. Shuffling down the stairs I wondered what I should do with my life, I couldn't be a police officer considering that they barely get good pay because no one really depends on officers because of heroes. I'm too nervous to be a doctor or nurse...And before I knew it I was at my house." Izuku dear where were you're late-Oh baby what happened?" Said my mom before noticing I was crying. Sniffing I said "It's okay mom I'm fine oh- and I was late because..uh...I was hanging out with friends!" I lied. "Oh good for you my big man you're finally making friends!" "Yeah thanks, Mom, I'm happy, as well," I told her in a tiny brittle voice while walking up the stairs. 

Once I finally shuffled into my room I looked around the All Might filled bedroom that looked like all the All Might fan clubs combined became a bedroom, and to my surprise, it disgusted me-actually here's a better term revolted- Every single poster, plushie, action figure, and even clothing piece made me want to throw up just taking a glimpse at it. My face turned into a scowl..."How dare that bastard to try and say what I can or cannot be." I mumbled under my breath angrily. I couldn't even think, all that was running through my head was:






I felt amazing grabbing the posters, plushies, clothing, and multiple action figures, And throwing them all in the garbage bin where they belong, I felt alive for once in my life,  like I wasn't just a puppet in some persons stupid little game, I was in control of my life for those couple minutes while I was ripping anything All Might related in my bedroom to shreds. And I loved this feeling...this feeling of freedom, this feeling of not being controlled. 

YO thank you for reading this {if anybody is} I would really appreciate a vote or a comment on my writing have a nice day!!!!!

here's some tododeku fanart

here's some tododeku fanart

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