-[CHPT. 02]-

706 44 69

7:21 A.M, Sunday Morning

SaWaRaSeNaI kImI wA sHouJo Na- (I'm so sorry I just imagined Tanaka would have this as his ringtone I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-)

"ARGHHHHHH. SHUT THE FUCK UP." Tanaka screamed, grabbing his phone off his nightstand and throwing it across the room, and the ring tone stopped abruptly.

He threw the covers back over his head and buried his face into his pillow. He was just about to fall back asleep when- "WaiT- SHOOT-" at this moment, Tanaka remembered that was probably one of his teammates or his coach calling him to remind him about...

Sunday detention. Just great. Tanaka heaved himself off his bed to get his phone, opening it to see seven missed calls and 99+ unread messages. Glancing at the time, he now realized it was 7:24. Detention was supposed to start on six minutes.... and Tanaka was going to be hella late.

Letting out a stream of rather colorful language, Tanaka hurried to get ready. Oh god, he was so doomed. He could already manage the scolding he would get from both Takeda-san and Daichi.


It was only just by chance that Ennoshita's littlest sister had thrown up all over the dining table this morning. It took him a while to clean it, but of course by then it was already 7:21, just great. Stuffing a piece of toast in his mouth (yes, yes, I know-), Ennoshita runs out the door, grabs his bike, and basically speeds to the school. Thank god he lived close.


Kiyoomi Sakusa hated this. The teacher in charge of detention, his social studies teacher who was failing him, had put his team in the small library along with ANOTHER club. Oh how he hated it. Glancing over to the side, Sakusa saw Daichi looked madder than he's ever been before. Tanaka still wasn't here, and it was already 7:47, according to the clock on the wall that was most likely wrong. He looked over to the other side of the room, where the other club was whispering silently. 

He wondered which club they were. By the looks of it, probably some boring literature club. All they were doing was glance at us and back and keep whispering. Sakusa froze, though, when one of them looked back at him. Surveilling him, Sakusa gave a huff of discorn. Out of all colors, why in the flying fuck did he have to pick piss yellow to die his hair? Although he couldn't talk, the basketball teams colors were literally neon yellow and neon green blended in. 

He must have realized they were staring at each other at the same time Sakusa did, and they both looked away quickly. I wonder what his name is... the two thought, giving each other one last glance.


Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. I'm so fucked. 

That was the one thought repeating in Tanaka's head as he runs for his life to the schools back entrance. What if the back entrance was already locked? That would be great and Tanaka would just stay home. But he already ran all the way here. 

Slamming the door open, Tanaka rushes inside the building, only to collide with another. "FuCK- I'M SO SORRY I WASNT'T LOOKING I SWEAR I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT YOU- oh." he shouted, only to stop and blink. The guy he crashed into groaned, getting up and fixing his hair, and holy shit was he pretty. 

"Are you okay, you aren't hurt are you?" Tanaka worried. The other chuckled a bit. "Don't worry, it's fine. Anyway- uh- it's a Sunday, what are you doing here?" the unknown boy asked curiously. "Oh, uhm, funny story, I'm here for detention..." Tanaka bit his lip, looking away, afraid he was coming off with a bad first impression with him. "Huh, same. I'm Ennoshita, and you?"

Tanaka cocked his head in surprise. A pretty boy like him landed detention? Tanaka wondered what for. "I'm Tanaka, nice to meet'cha, pretty boy." he grinned, and Ennoshita turned a shade of red that could only be described as 'cherry'. 

He's just playing with me, right? Ennoshita thought on the rest of the way to detention.


Alrighty then- I promised an ennotana interaction, and I gave an ennotana interaction. Plus some sideline sakuatsu. Next chapter will include ✨crack fluff ✨ because I'm not sure if I'm capable of writing any other kind of fluff-

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!


745 words

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