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It all happened so fast....I can still save you right.

"Baby..." I hear your dying voice as you cough up your own blood. I feel tears.

"Shut up Teddy Bear, I can still save you. Let me take you to recovery girl." I'm trying not to break down, I have to save you, Y/N you're my fucking everything.

"Baby we both know you won't make it in time. It's okay I love you." Why the hell are you already giving up, please stay with me Y/N, I swear I'll fucking hate you if you leave me like this.

"Don't say that shit Teddy bear, just hold on. I know you can, you're so fucking stubborn all the damn time, just fight okay...for me." Deep down I know you're right...you won't make it, but I still HAVE TO FUCKING TRY.

"I SWEAR TEDDY BEAR IF YOU DIE ILL....ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" My voice cracks, I'm really not trying to just break down in front of everybody, but I just can't. I can't lose you dammit. I hear a slight chuckle as your breath stiffens.

"Hmm don't worry Katsuki, I'll still love you even when I'm gone, even if you love someone else, have their kids, and grow old with them and forget about me. I'll still love you whether I'm in the sky or rotting be low the*cough* earth." Dammit Y/N you were always the fucking romantic, always knew the right words to say to comfort me when I felt sad or angry. I swear I'll never love anyone else but you.


"KATSUKIIIIIII!" You yell from across the hallway.

"Tch- what the hell do you want dumbass." I roll my eyes, looking at you and can't help but think, 'Fucking beautiful.'

"I'll love you forever you know that right. AND ILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OKAY!" At this point there were a bunch of people looking at us, but I didn't care. I just stand there in shock.

"Where the hell did all this come from?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to tell you that." I see you blushing as you look down. I grab you by the waist and lift your chin up to face me.

"I love you too teddy bear." I kiss you.

*End of Flashback*

"Y-YOU FUCKING PROMISED! YOU PROMISED YOU'D NEVER LEAVE ME! YOU LIAR! I HATE LIARS!" With this I see you look up at me and smile, knowing that I'll love you no matter what as well. With all the life you have left in you.

"I'm sorry baby, this is the one promise that I broke. Forgive me." Your breaths stop.

"Please...please...I'm sorry don't go teddy bear. I could've saved you. If only I were a better hero." I should've trained more, maybe then I'd be able to save you. Instead I'm just sitting there with you in my arms, lifeless.

It stays like this for what feels like forever, me whispering to your body, sobbing, leaving me with regret. 'It should've been me.'

The Promise I Broke (Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now