08 [ tension. ]

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december 15, 2020

soft lips.

- K E I J I  A K A A S H I

"akaashi, where are you taking me?" i asked as i took another hit of the joint he lit. he pulled into a parking stall as he turned the car off and smiled.

"we're here so why not take a look for yourself?" he quickly ran to my side of the door to open it as i was face to face with the most beautiful view i've ever seen in my life.

"this is so beautiful.. how many girls did you take here?" i asked jokingly as he rolled his eyes and took the joint away from me. he leaned against his car door as he took a hit.

the way he inhaled that joint honestly caught me off guard, there was so much sexual tension between us it was kind of unbearable to say the least.

ding ding

my phone ringed as i pulled it out, only for akaashi to snatch the phone out of my hand. "hey! what are you doing?" i said as he put my phone into his pocket.

"no phones, let's just talk." he continued as i agreed while standing next to him, he smiled as he wrapped a hand around my shoulder.

there was pure silence between us until akaashi broke the silence, "what did you first think of me when you were new to the school?" he asked as i smiled knowing exactly how i acted.

"i should ask the same thing to you the way you kept staring at me like a creep." a laugh was let out breaking the tension as akaashi just stared into my eyes..

"is it okay?" he asked moving closer in to me.. is he going to.. kiss me? i said as he just stood there waiting for my response. he wrapped his hands around my waist as i began to wrap my hands around his neck to pull him closer. our lips then touched connecting the space that was left between us.

his lips were so soft. i thought to myself as i could feel butterflies in my stomach. he's a fuckboy, which is a major red flag.. but what if he's serious about this?

a sound was heard behind the parking stall that me and akaashi were occupying as it stopped us, we pulled away looking into each others eyes as small smirk was shown. akaashi placed his lips on my neck softly kissing it causing a million thoughts to run through my mind..

"HEY HEY HEY!!" a voice was heard from behind the car as me and akaashi immediately pulled away..

"there you guys are!!! we want to go get mcdonald's and eat at the park!" bokuto followed as everyone else was behind him, kageyama, oikawa, kuroo, kenma, and iwa.

fuck bokuto.

"what are you guys doing?" kageyama asked as he stared straight at me trying not to laugh. "we're just checking out the view. we were going to go get mcdonald's anways so lets go!" i said loudly as akaashi grinned.

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